We need a "No features" release

Oh I don't know when you consider the size of Shawn's site, with over 3 million posts listed and one of the biggest webmaster forums on the web. 50 a day doesn't sound all that bad to me, I would have expected more hitting his site per day taking into account the topics covered there, and it's a prime target site for Human Spammers I would imagine.
this could happen because of my easy questions at the registration (2+2 ).

You'll get slaughtered by bots using maths questions that way. Do it like this instead and use 3 not 2 sums.

Q: Five plus one, minus three equals? (avoid using numbers)
A: three/3

Another good method I used was asking a question for a person to enter the 3rd keyword from a thread title, and include a link in the question leading to the thread (opening it in a new window) so they still stay fixed on the registration page.
I've had 2 on my site in 3 years.

hmm...our vb 3.8 blocks around 150-200 registrations per day (registration in less than 5 secs => script), additional ~30-50 get stopped by stopforumspam-checks.

What did you do...block all asian IP ranges? ;)
Oh I don't know when you consider the size of Shawn's site, with over 3 million posts listed and one of the biggest webmaster forums on the web. 50 a day doesn't sound all that bad to me, I would have expected more hitting his site per day taking into account the topics covered there, and it's a prime target site for Human Spammers I would imagine.
It's more than that... Almost 16 million posts "listed"... internally almost 18 million. But that's a moot point really..

We definitely get targeted by human spammers... especially from India, Pakistan and China. Not looking forward to needing to rebuild all the auto-spammer detection stuff I built for vB (it usually picks up around 50 accounts per day BEFORE they make their first post).
yepp, still wondering that no one ported it yet cause its extremely efficient for its very few code-lines...or maybe no XF bots in the wild yet? ;)
vb-version can be found here
That would not stop the human spammers, though. And it seems a little hacky.
Might be useful, I guess.
Right now I think something like "StopForumSpam" really needs to be added as a default feature in XenForo (soon). There's a Mod here I reported as now being broken used with XenForo 1.1 final, it's also no longer supported as stand alone to be used for StopForumSpam human spammer detection. You can't argue either about the "3rd Party" aspect of it because your already using Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook with XenForo, not to mention AddThis bookmarking and TinyMCE also.

There needs to be a default feature in XenForo used on registration page to halt human spam. reCaptcha and Q/A offers no defence against them.
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