We are approaching 1000 xenForo members!

Is there any particular reason for the spate of thread resurrections recently?


It's wee bit hard to understand your necroposting comments ... when you make a new topic ... that has a ton of exactly the same topics.
Duplicate topics are what should be discouraged .... posting in an existing thread should be encouraged.

I think it's perfectly understandable (and logical) why some old threads are being resurrected. Xenforo in itself has been 'resurrected' so to speak and hopefully so is this community. Before the lawsuit (or more precisely: before communication/development 'stopped') this great community was putting up feature/product suggestions continuously. A lot of these suggestions are still valid today, since not much (public) development on the product has been done the last year. Correct me if I'm wrong (or the staff thinks/prefers otherwise, then please do tell us this and we know what is preferred), but it wouldn't make much sense to open yet again a completely new thread for every single of these often very valuable suggestions and interesting discussions that we already had about those things we would love to see in Xenforo. In the past similar suggestions-threads were continuesly merged by the Mods and I would think it would also save them time and effort if we just search first if an idea has already being posted and join that discussion instead of creating more work by duplicating things, just as Digital Doctor is pointing out.

(and as a sidenote: even if this is not a product suggestion, I think it's very nice to see the huge success of Xenforo (indicated partly by the big growth of the amount of members, even if a percentage is -apparently- bots, so in this light (as an enthusiastic fan of this product who wishes this product a bright future) I am happy to see the 33.000 member count. How this is perceived as 'silly' is... interesting.)
Correct me if I'm wrong (or the staff thinks/prefers otherwise, then please do tell us this and we know what is preferred), but it wouldn't make much sense to open yet again a completely new thread for every single of these often very valuable suggestions and interesting discussions that we already had about those things we would love to see in Xenforo. In the past similar suggestions-threads were continuesly merged by the Mods and I would think it would also save them time and effort if we just search first if an idea has already being posted and join that discussion instead of creating more work by duplicating things, just as Digital Doctor is pointing out.

And, in fact, staff already made clear what is discussed above:

Mike said:
Posting New Suggestions

The most important (and most challenging) thing to do when posting a new suggestion is search for an existing suggestion. Reducing duplicate suggestions helps us see the true interest in a particular suggestion. It's a lot harder to see how much interest there is in a particular feature if it's split across 10 threads instead or one focused one.

I just looked it up in: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/guide-to-suggestions.2285/

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