Warn Thread

Warn Thread 1.4

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@AndyB are there any addons that's known to be a conflict with this addon? I've just installed the latest version of this addon (1.3) and have just given a member a warning and the thread is never created in the forum designated in the options.

Addon is working as designed. I didn't realize the warning threads where created via a cron so when I gave a warning I was expecting to see the thread created in realtime.

Now that I know how the addon works ;) I can confirm that it does in fact work perfectly fine.
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Recently this addon starts mutliple (9x) threads about the warning. Not too long ago, I changed the settings so the cron job runs any minute, any hour, any day. Seems it may be posting duplicates since I did that. Just changed it to every 2 minutes. Any idea if that will fix my issue?
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Update. It posted 9x when the cron ran every minute. I changed the cron job to run every 2 minutes, and it posted 5x. Changed it to 5 minutes and it posted 2x. Seems like there is another setting somewhere that I'm missing. Anyone have any ideas on where to look?
Anyone know how to change the time it takes for a new thread to be posted? Changing the Cron frequency does nothing and I've tried to tinker with the php itself but it still takes 10 minutes for a thread to be posted... if even that. I've done about 15 different warnings and only 3 of them managed to become threads. I've been online on my forum for the past few hours so its not me being offline that is causing the thread not to post.
When giving a warning on a profile something goes wrong with the profile page url. The name of the moderator is used in the link but with the numbers of the user.

user: /members/windows1.165602/
by: /members/rffnck.89269/
reason: ..
Profile page: /members/rffnck.165602/
Points: 10
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