Want to buy a Xenforo license today but...



I want to buy a Xenforo license today but I have a question that I need a clear answer on before I make the investment.

I run a forum that was built on a previous license that expired a few months ago, however the administrator who bought that license and installed Xenforo for the forum is no longer with us. Since his license expired and I don't have access to his account that bought the former license, if I buy a license today then can I effectively download the Xenforo update for my forum?

Basically, my license won't be used to install Xenforo, but it would be used to upgrade a forum that was made on a previous license. Is this completely allowable?

Thank you.
Yes, I believe that is fine.

Thanks for your speedy response. So essentially, when I buy the license I'll have an option to bypass installation and get the upgrade file, right? Which means I can just apply the update as intended and not have to go through the process of installing Xenforo when I don't really need it.
Thanks for your speedy response. So essentially, when I buy the license I'll have an option to bypass installation and get the upgrade file, right? Which means I can just apply the update as intended and not have to go through the process of installing Xenforo when I don't really need it.


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