Waiting on answers before buying?


New member

I saw the "August Update" and then a discussion thread with lots of questions, to which a moderator replied that he had answered to them but was just formatting them before posting it.

I want to buy 2x licenses, but only once I've heard what is going on with replies to those questions. (It's the resource manage that interests me).

I just sent him a ping about this.
Jake, would you consider posting just the questions that you expect Ashley to answer?
You wouldn't be giving out any new information so it wouldn't be a matter of whether it's your place to say it or not.

I just want to know what I can expect to see answered when Ashley does have the time. I don't want to hold my breath if the questions being answered are somehow magically danced around with some cryptic answer that doesn't tell us anything new.
Jake, would you consider posting just the questions that you expect Ashley to answer?
You wouldn't be giving out any new information so it wouldn't be a matter of whether it's your place to say it or not.

I just want to know what I can expect to see answered when Ashley does have the time. I don't want to hold my breath if the questions being answered are somehow magically danced around with some cryptic answer that doesn't tell us anything new.

From my understanding he's not going to announcing anything new... just confirming or denying these rumors going around.
From my understanding he's not going to announcing anything new... just confirming or denying these rumors going around.
That is new. Rumors are just speculation until they make a formal announcement confirming or denying them. I'd still like to know which rumors they are going to comment on. I understand that personal issues are fragile but when they impact the business, customers deserve to know something about them.

I just want to know I'm not going to hear again about how the lawsuit is taking a toll on the business. I know that, I accept that, I can wait until January for the verdict. My concerns are about the state of the business aside the lawsuit.
Part of me suspects that RM might essentially be ready to go as is, but the concern may be with supporting it immediately should some problems show up on release. This is, of course, speculation. But, I don't think it is unreasonable to think they may not be prepared to spend time working with customers who encounter problems on install in a production environment. Given the problems that vB5 had on release, maybe they are being cautious and standing by their high standards in not releasing RM until they think it is both "release-ready" and that they are able to support it as deserved. Again, just a guess. I am itching to have RM, but if this is what is going on, I would rather have a XF quality release rather than a rushed to market product.
Jake, would you consider posting just the questions that you expect Ashley to answer?

Is Mike gone?

Has XF settled with IB?

Security updates?

Resource Manager for 1.1?


Those are the questions that I am aware of. Security updates have already been answered (yes). Mike leaving is a popular rumor. XF settling in the lawsuit is another popular rumor. The RM for 1.1 is being considered, but I don't know of a definite answer on that yet.

Got any more questions to add?
Got any more questions to add?
Not really. I hope Ashley elaborates on Mike's current position in the company and what his role is should XenForo beat the lawsuit as expected, but maybe that's wishful thinking.

Thank you though, and I mean it. I have a lot of respect for how well you deal with all the things you have to put up with. And I certainly am satisfied with your reply. Have a good day Jake.
The future will always be uncertain. I do not expect they will be able to give a solid and reliable prediction about what will happen that would satisfy customer's wondering minds. I am more curious about what has already happened.

I'm sure that XenForo (as a company) wishes nothing more than to develop and grow their products further. I don't expect them to be able to tell you anything more than that about the future. I doubt they would ever want the product to die.. but it's not entirely up to them. They don't know, and I'm sure they know better than to make statements otherwise. If they end up being wrong people would riot.

Customers already have rustled jimmies. They don't need to make it worse.
Umm they do know something. We all know they do, they just arent saying it. Like the real situation with KAM, there is def something there, but like always they promise answers or news or updates and...nothing.
Umm they do know something. We all know they do, they just arent saying it. Like the real situation with KAM, there is def something there, but like always they promise answers or news or updates and...nothing.
Okay well I don't really like going back and forth in these kinda threads.. it always seems to wind up going in the same direction.

But I didn't say they didn't know anything. I said it's unreasonable to expect them to answer with a certainty about the future of the product. And I said that I doubt "the company" (without regard to who is still a part of the company) wants to see the product die. That's just common sense.

I believe they are keeping the truths of the KAM situation from us, sure.. but that's a different matter entirely and frankly one I'm exhausted of discussing. Either they'll eventually give us some sort of information on the matter or they won't. To me it is clear they are not giving in to the pressure placed on them by their customers. If that is enough to turn you away from XF, then so be it.

Honestly, I don't care to know the big secret so long as XenForo continues to be supported and developed to the standard it had previously upheld, pending a successful outcome with the lawsuit.
Quick comment - if RM is not ready to go, it shows what incredibly high standards they must hold themselves to....since it works pretty well here, eh?

Or am I missing something?

Sometimes the folks with the highest standards take awhile to do things. There is one famous sailboat designer and builder who recently (2006) decided to build a new advanced model. It was first thought to become ready in 2009. It's not ready yet. But, WOW, you should see the quality of what he has done! People have been hassling him (include me) to take money from us, but he refuses.

If it were me I'd have built a much worse boat and have it out the door. But that's why I'm neither a boat builder nor a software designer.
Quick comment - if RM is not ready to go, it shows what incredibly high standards they must hold themselves to....since it works pretty well here, eh?
Or am I missing something?
Probably. :)
And you forget ... the RM sucked when it came out.
it was bad. Surprisingly bad.
I will admit Mike worked extremely hard and efficiently to get it to it's current state.
Jake you missed my point.

You yourself are very important to XF but you're not one of the owners and core developers - KAM.
It is THEIR statement we need to reassure us that THEY are still connecting with us.
We are still connecting to them via this community and by using XF. Many of us are trying to be supportive. We need to see a gesture in return. Not much. Just a little.
A statement with nothing following for almost a month is not enough.

A WEEKLY - or minimum FORTNIGHTLY comment can simply say that there is no news but we are that much closer to getting it sorted out. In fact I remember Kier championing the users back around VB3 when we asked for updates like this, and like you he did his best to help out. Back then like you he wasn't the owner so it wasn't quite enough.

Here's a sample of what's needed - from one of the KAM team.

Hello everyone. Things have not changed much. We're still working on clearing the case so we can get back to work fully on XF. Here's the basics again for anyone not read it before.
In response to people's concerns about the status of Xenforo, XF is an ongoing business.
New development is on hold for now and is expected to resume in January 2013 if not before.
Support for existing clients continues as normal.

People do not like those in charge ignoring them. Clients are being asked to hold in patience, and trust. A little bit of regular reassurance is the necessary partner to that.

I support XF.
You mean personal stuff?
That's a bit subjective, isn't it? It is not my intention or wish to pry into the personal lives of KAM, but I have reasonable suspicion that 'personal stuff' has interfered with XenForo as a business.

I don't need to know all the juicy details, but are my concerns not valid? I feel like it gets personal when we start knowing the why. I just want to know the what and how it will affect the business and product.

I have certainly not heard any official statement that 'personal' stuff has not impacted the business or product, and if that were the case it would be easy enough to dismiss such speculation with such a statement.. but that hasn't happened.
In the absence of disproof. The rumor mill is unstoppable.

So KAM hasn't said that personal issues are not affecting the business, therefore you are concerned about that possibility. It's a slightly strange way to reach an obvious conclusion I think. Not just obvious, but clearly stated in the last announcement:


Yes, personal issues are affecting the business. Even without the official statement I would expect this to be the case given that they have been working without pay for 3 years.
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