Waindigo Install and Upgrade add-on call back sending list of ALL site add-ons

Just because something is difficult to understand, doesn't mean it is malicious or wrong.
First let me say that my lack of understanding or difficulty in understanding doesn't suggest to me there is anything malicious or wrong in what your doing. I've explained that to you before but you persist in trying to convince me this isn't your intentions.
I'm simply evaluating your claims "It is an advantage for everyone to have lots of people using this add-on. I would like everyone to install this add-on." So far I don't see this.
provide people with a convenient way to alert them that updates of their add-on's are available. I think something like this should be handled by XenForo rather than a third party.
XenForo Resources does this already doesn't it? I download an add on, it's flagged as "watched" and alerts me of any updates or new discussion posts.
I can see how it read like that but no. I just pointed out the way the community just went hard after *******, now he's gone and Waindigo is under fire. Then I asked who is next?
I see. Afaik ******* wasn't the first one who got attacked by the xenforo community. There was someone else whose name I forgot and even XenForo itself once was a target of community criticism (you know, the lawsuit days). Point is I see no point in you pointing out that Jon is the next target of criticism. It happens and he will overcome it just like xenforo did.

XenForo Resources does this already doesn't it? I download an add on, it's flagged as "watched" and alerts me of any updates or new discussion posts.
I don't use the Install and Upgrade add-on by Waindigo, but as I understand it, you get notified directly in your admin cp of updates if you install this add-on. What I meant is that those admin cp notifications shouldn't originate from a third party, but xenforo itself.
I see. Afaik ******* wasn't the first one who got attacked by the xenforo community. There was someone else whose name I forgot and even XenForo itself once was a target of community criticism (you know, the lawsuit days). Point is I see no point in you pointing out that Jon is the next target of criticism. It happens and he will overcome it just like xenforo did.

Just to be clear, Jon liked the post. It wasn't a stab at him as much as it was at the xF community going on what seems like a witchhunt. There are some valid points being made but the context of majority of the posts seem more about accusing rather than constructively critisizing and enquiring. Not saying everyone is, just saying some people are going a little hard.
For the record, the posts and comments by community members had no bearing on our decision to remove ******* add-ons, etc.
That can't be entirely true because without the community comments, xenforo wouldn't have known about what was going on with ******* in the first place. Just sayin'
Well if you say that, you probably know more about this than I do so I'll let it be.

Btw @Brogan, you don't seem to use the quote button or mentions often so it's a bit troublesome to keep up discussion with you because I get no alerts. The alert system made people lazy!
Well if you say that, you probably know more about this than I do so I'll let it be.

Reports are actually supposed to be made in private. For pretty much every public complaint there was likely at least 1 private complaint. It's quite possible there were people reporting concerns entirely in private... like they where supposed to.

There is a line on certain issues where a report is different from an informative thread. However all this thread is turning into is people trying to convince either Jon to change his ways or XenForo to regulate his ways out. It's one thing to state that you don't like something publicly and also inform your friends of your concerns. It's another to lobby for a change that likely isn't going to happen when you simply don't have to use any of his software.
Interesting to me what is really driving all these usage statistics err callbacks... I'm getting somewhat dubious of the pirate angle.. Not sure about Jon's it is what it is i guess.. As these plugin need updating im simply removing them.. I guess the olden days of purchasing a product and owning it are all but over.. Now we just rent the ability to use something until someone changes their minds and amends their terms of service which around here is daily.. its getting old..
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@Jon W
I dont use any branding anywhere. For the Waindigo functionality that I would want to use I would be more than happy to pay for branding free. But there is no way that I as a customer am going to install your 'installer' addon.

In contrast to your opinion that its beneficial to everyone, I see only problems and risks involved. So the only conclusion I take away from this is that it's best to just uninstall all your addons. I am sure that I am not the only one who comes to this conclusion.

I do fully agree. After reading this topic, there is no way that I will use Waindigo Addons any more. I dont want any callbacks for the sake of being an easy solution. I am administrating one server and several websites since over 12 years, i should be capable going the "hard way" regarding the branding-free (eg upload a file or alter the Style).

Even worse is @Jon W reaction on the critics. That is something i wouldnt expect from a developer. Sorry to be that frank. I am glad to pay good money for addons, but on fair terms.
Has been around for a while ...
... without callbacks and sending your sites statistics to a home server

Statistics aside people seem to discount the fact that centralizing it to your own server actually reduces the load on XenForo.com. It isn't XenForo's responsibility to maintain that load and having everyone slam your server and in turn your server only hitting Xenforo once per minute, hour, day whatever is actually a responsible setup. Chris's own addon had that problem as was said before and even with improvements its still a larger load than not.
Statistics aside people seem to discount the fact that centralizing it to your own server actually reduces the load on XenForo.com.
Ignoring XenForo.com specifically, it's just an efficient way to do it. If I were in @Jon W 's position, it's not an unreasonable approach. Here, I'm referring specifically to sending a list of installed add-on IDs and version IDs to his server and having it respond with update information. Attempting to have each add-on check for an update is incredibly slow and scraping is notoriously fragile; being able to control that internally is a benefit to maintenance and ultimately good for anyone using it (the alternative is it breaking until you upgrade the add-on itself, when you might not know it has broken because the update check itself is now failing). It also means that you can track changes at the version ID level rather than the visible version which might differ from what's in the add-on itself. From a developer standpoint, it's a superior approach across the board aside from having to maintain the service to run it (which isn't necessary if scraping XenForo.com directly).

Then there's the problem of add-ons that aren't hosted here so you can't really identify those as being updated in the same way as ones that are hosted in the resource manager here. That leads into the "crowdsourcing" idea of using the aggregates of installed versions to detect when they're updated. It's a nice idea to solve a problem with a class of resources that might otherwise be hard to "access" like the ones hosted here.

The point I'm making is that the way Jon's install/update add-on has (presumably) been approached is focused on providing a good technical solution to a problem. And it does solve some issues that exist with the scraping approach. Obviously I can't speak to his motives definitively, but to jump to "it's making a request from his server so it's evil" is a stretch or at least hyperbole.

It reminds me of some of what was reported with the Facebook Android app permission changes. "Facebook will be listening to you talk all the time." Technically, that may have been true based on the permission, but it's the nature of how permissions work in general. If you want a feature that requires some sort of activity (as determined by the developer's solution), then you have to accept and trust how they'll use it; if you don't, then really you shouldn't be installing any code from them whatsoever. The same permission or activity can simultaneously be used for good and evil; there is no evil bit that can detect this. Changing the font and color in a post can be used for both good and evil but this can only be judged by a human and even then there's debate.

Forget about callbacks, have you audited all of the code you've installed from other developers? How about XenForo itself? You're running arbitrary code on your server and it can do all sorts of things without callbacks. If you haven't (and I'm sure most of you haven't), then you're trusting the developer. You can take this further through the stack all the way to the kernel of your operating system (and then the actual hardware, see the Dual_EC_DRBG discussion).

Now whether the approach of sending add-on IDs to his server is one you're willing to accept is a reasonable question, but it is not inherently evil. It's evident that this discussion has somewhat adjusted Jon's perspective on it and probably brought up considerations he hadn't thought of. (Personally, I can't imagine I wouldn't have thought of "private" add-on IDs off hand. It makes sense in hindsight but may not be a thing you'd consider before running into it and, even then, you may not realize that people would have concerns about it.)

To say that add-ons should only be able to send their own data to a server blocks entirely valid and useful add-ons while probably not giving a great benefit. If you take that to its end, you just blocked Akismet or StopForumSpam implementations. You even just prevented an add-on from sending a reference to the URL where its been installed (since that's not the add-on's data).

The reason we require callbacks to be declared is to allow you to make your own decision if it's an issue you are concerned about. If you don't like the data being sent, you're certainly entitled to tell the developer that and vote with your feet; equally, they're entitled to not change anything. It's also important to make you aware if the add-on depends on an external server for something such as license validation (or premium enabling); depending on the implementation, this may start to fail if the developer closes shop. This is a risk you would need to understand and accept.

Coming back to the install/upgrade add-on, whether the premium upgrades should be included as part of this and whether things like member count should be collected are reasonable questions to ask Jon and for him to respond to. Personally, it seems strange to conflate the two things; the overlap seems to be that they both depend on add-on IDs but not much else. It seems like it would make sense to create a "premium feature enabler" add-on that applied to all Waindigo add-ons and that could simply be installed to enable premium features; this add-on would then just send back installed Waindigo add-on IDs and (assuming the member count-based tiers are kept) the member count. The callback clearly declared in the resource description, of course. That seems to solve most of the concerns. (Unless you're fundamentally opposed to callbacks and/or the member count stuff, but then that would be a good example of making a stand because you disagree and simply not purchasing anything.)
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If you want a feature that requires some sort of activity (as determined by the developer's solution), then you have to accept and trust how they'll use it; if you don't, then really you shouldn't be installing any code from them whatsoever.
Hear, hear!
Thanks Mike. I agree with everything you've said.

My only concern is that a "premium feature enabler" add-on would be a bit of work to create and would mean another add-on for me to maintain that effectively does exactly the same callback (there is already an option in Install and Upgrade by Waindigo to only send Waindigo add-ons), so it would be good to know first whether this would help.

My understanding is that the starter of this thread wants the Install and Upgrade by Waindigo add-on banned completely, so releasing a separate add-on would not resolve that unless it was a full replacement for Install and Upgrade by Waindigo (which I don't think you were suggesting).

Edit: Premium by Waindigo released. See below.
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My understanding is that the starter of this thread wants the Install and Upgrade by Waindigo add-on banned completely
How exactly did you derive to that conclusion? He is stating his own opinions and wants to open up the discussion on the use of such callbacks from third partys like yourself.

Interested in other's thoughts on how far and how much information add-on callbacks should be allowed to send to home server?

Af the end of the day if people trust you, they wont mind having the callbacks. Others who dont trust you, wont install it or if they had, will now remove it.

Personally I believe an addon installer would be far better being part of core. the current approach of ftping the files and then installing the XML is cumbersome especially if away from a desktop. And people trust the XenForo developers.
How exactly did you derive to that conclusion? He is stating his own opinions and wants to open up the discussion on the use of such callbacks from third partys like yourself.
In the official Resource Guidelines discussion, I have suggested that a clause be added so that add-on callbacks can only be related to the add-on in question, and information sent is related directly to the add-on only.
Coming back to the install/upgrade add-on, whether the premium upgrades should be included as part of this and whether things like member count should be collected are reasonable questions to ask Jon and for him to respond to. Personally, it seems strange to conflate the two things; the overlap seems to be that they both depend on add-on IDs but not much else. It seems like it would make sense to create a "premium feature enabler" add-on that applied to all Waindigo add-ons and that could simply be installed to enable premium features; this add-on would then just send back installed Waindigo add-on IDs and (assuming the member count-based tiers are kept) the member count. The callback clearly declared in the resource description, of course. That seems to solve most of the concerns. (Unless you're fundamentally opposed to callbacks and/or the member count stuff, but then that would be a good example of making a stand because you disagree and simply not purchasing anything.)
I have released an add-on that will allow subscribers to enable premium features without all the extra bloat of Install and Upgrade by Waindigo:
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