VPS for xenForo?

I should've phrased better. Are they competent? Fluent? Im frigging fed up with telling hosts you LOST my POSTS! and them replying saying we reset your dns zone >< let us know if there is anything more we can help you with have a nice day. #@%#%$^
I haven't had anything such as that.
There have been a few big outages (as there can be at times with many hosts), but nothing was lost.

They only do backups once a week though, so I do a daily backup myself just in case.
re: resellers
The biggest issue I see with resellers is that they are just one guy, or two guys, who resell someone else's systems as "their" VPS. Please note that this isn't an attack on any one person providing such service, it's just looking at it from a utilitarian/statistical perspective. At the end of the day you at the very most get what you pay for, but the less you pay the more likely you are to not even get that.

If I really wanted to I could have my own hosting company set up in less than an hour, complete with domain, plans, ticket system, live chat (that of course says Offline right now) and so on. It's still just me, one guy, and I will get to your ticket when I get to it. If you never have to put in a ticket then it's not a problem, but honestly we are talking about an added cost of less than a meal (in the 1st world) per month. What's the big deal. If you can't afford that as insurance policy that your forum will be online then it's good advice to spend less time on new forums and more time on making cash. ;)
Well as long as they read what I'm saying then thats fine. I need to move on this by tomorrow I've been offline for a week and I need to make the switch to xenforo as well. Hopefully Ill have a little more input by then. Thank you Brogan for the time and help appreciate it.
Who ever you decide to go with, ensure the server spec's are compatible with the requirements.

XenForo System Requirements
  • PHP: 5.2.4+
  • MySQL: 5.0+
  • PHP extensions: MySQLi, GD (with JPEG support), PCRE, SPL, SimpleXML, DOM, JSON, iconv, ctype
  • PHP safe_mode off
Download the requirements test script.
I don't endorse products or services often, but I have been with my host for a few months and I really love them. Things started off rough, I complained, they moved me to a shared server with more stable users and things have been great since.

SurpassHosting is the company, www.surpasshosting.com. They are part of HostDime. They are not a one man operation or anything but officially a part of HostDime. They have 200+ employees, their own NOCC, etc. They offer 24/7 live support. They are very fast to respond to tickets.

They are 100% fully managed. In fact, they do things that other managed hosts simply don't do. They modified my .htaccess script and basically took care of every request I ever had ranging from setting up my domains, my email forwarding, and various setting changes.

To be clear, I am not affiliated with them in any way other then being a happy customer. I started with a coupon code that offered ?30% off to new customers so it was extremely cheap as well. I chose them thanks to a recommendation from two friends who have been with them over 5 years each.
That was odd I just made a very similar post on VBorg ahaha coincidence galore. I picked a host actually. And I did go with a VPS it could be me but the performance seems much better. I went with Shamil in the end. He was absolutely fantastic imho.

post from vb lol:

This has been sorted than you everyone for the responses and recommendations appreciate it.

I went with a small company in the UK with probably some of the best support staff I have come across. So far the service is top notch as well.

If anyone is interested : www.radonsystems.net

(I'm not affiliated to them neither am I vouching for anything. Just my humble experience as I had a time trying to decide. If they screw up I'll post post back definitely lol
nahh hopefully not)

I also purchased xenforo Yay! lol Its absolutely fantastic guys. Im absolutely awed by the simplicity and functionality. I've spent days styling VB and come nowhere near to what I wanted in my head. And with this crap Im practically leaking styles. From head to to css is a breeze!

I just wish there was some sort of rating plugin for me to utilize as I have a big project coming up for a review site. When I think about all the things I couldve done with xenforo for that makes me want to cry. Guess I'm stuck with VB for now.

Ill probably share a few styles for opinions soonishly. Thank You everyone for the recommendations and advice appreciate it thoroughly.
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