Vietnamese scammers

You guys should do some background check before dealing with everyone (or require advanced payment and the like). Blocking all Vietnamese clients is not a good idea. I know that because I'm a Vietnamese and I'm currently living in Vietnam.
The problem is the majority of Vietnamese customers have been scammers, so it kind of ruins it for everyone else.

If you were to buy something, it wouldn't be an issue as you've got an established reputation, but when it someone who just signs up and you know nothing about them, chances are you'll be questioning whether or not to approve the order.
My english poor , sorry ! I am a Vietnamese
I was very angry when I read this article . Yesterday I've PM to purchase an add on , and he did not answer me , When I read this article I know why

I am so sorry that this :(
My english poor , sorry ! I am a Vietnamese
I was very angry when I read this article . Yesterday I've PM to purchase an add on , and he did not answer me , When I read this article I know why

I am so sorry that this :(
I'd be mad too. You know it's not just countries that get blocked from getting the good thangs in life.

Washington and Colorado having all the fun right now....

Even states in America get blocked as well.

*moves to Colorado*

*pulls a Kobe while choking on a herb-packed stogie*
My english poor , sorry ! I am a Vietnamese
I was very angry when I read this article . Yesterday I've PM to purchase an add on , and he did not answer me , When I read this article I know why

I am so sorry that this :(
Considering I'm the one who is ignoring your PM, I'm going to make a single answer and will not comment it after:

I don't care you're Asian, European, American or African, people nationality is NOT a problem at all. The problem is who can be or can't be trusted. In your case, you sent me a PM whereas you haven't written yet any message here. I only accept the support of people which have contributed here and whose background can be checked. That's may be seem unfair to you, but I will not change this rule and will not comment it.

And the same way I told people nationality is not a problem, it's also not a problem to contribute here. Even if your English is not great, we are many in that situation. You can for example translate some addons (check with their author first) and post your translation here. XenForo seems to allow people speaking their mother language in those translation threads (which is an excellent thing in my opinion). So you can also contribute here using your own language.

I will be more than happy if you prove me I was wrong not to trust you.

See you may be in a few weeks.
You're all welcome to direct such traffic to our site,

Seriously, I never understood why anyone would want to block an entire country or even whole continents, thus blocking 25% - 75% of the planet from reaching your website.

Yes, there will always be a few bad apples. But you'll find a few bad apples no matter where on earth you are. And yet I'll often hear that X, Y, or Z location has more than any other location. The problem is collectively I've heard that argument for everywhere on earth at one time or another.

The Internet is also commonly known as The World Wide Web. It is meant to be a global network open and accessible to everyone. If your solution is to limit parts of The Internet, maybe you should rethink your strategy.

However, if you feel such traffic is really that unwelcome and no argument or amount of reasoning is ever going to change your mind. If you've truly made your mind up and you're still going to block whole countries and block off sections of the planet you live on, by all means please be so kind as to direct that traffic to

It's not like you want or care about them anyways, you may as well give them some place to go. And since we're an uncensored community who welcomes everyone, we'll gladly take them off your hands and you will have less to worry about. :)
I understand your feelings of anger, but wherever there are scammers and if you think blocking ip from Vietnam is good for you. You just keep on doing it.
I noticed that some of the vietnamese resource author's repackaged and sold some of ragtek's addons as his own on here and surprised no one said anything.
I noticed that some of the vietnamese resource author's repackaged and sold some of ragtek's addons as his own on here and surprised no one said anything.

Well, when anything has been said about piracy, you get referred to Shared Common Usage and that apparently trumps everything.
Well, when anything has been said about piracy, you get referred to Shared Common Usage and that apparently trumps everything.
Well ragtek doesn't care, nor does Xenforo so it's whatever. I'm just annoyed that one of the ragtek addons they re-released for free didn't work.
Serious? So do you mean people from Asia, Middle East, Russia etc don't give you a single penny? Scammers are everywhere. Don't blame the whole nation because of some culprits. So unfair and so offending.

I agree that it isn't the least offensive thing, but from a business perspective it did (un)fortunately stop all chargebacks. Anyone who's been in a chargeback dispute with PayPal knows they make it pure hell for sellers, I didn't have much choice.
Anyone who's been in a chargeback dispute with PayPal knows they make it pure hell for sellers, I didn't have much choice.

How so? The only charge backs I have only ever lost with Paypal are ones where they funded via credit card and started the dispute via their bank. Paypal offers no buyer protection. Every one of my wins for someone charging back our services results in this exact quote for the buyer "The item is ineligible for PayPal Buyer Protection because it is intangible."

If you get to the part where the only options are issue refund or submit tracking number. Select submit tracking number. For the tracking number field but N/A - Intangible Item. Company select "Other" in the pull down and for the text field simply in a few words tell Paypal what the item/service was and there for results as a intangible item. They key to winning remains in how many times you point out in your responses that it is an intangible item.

Also be sure to always offer to make it right what with what they need fixed.. Offer to install it for them, etc.. 99.9% of the time they will not respond. Wait 48 hours and update your claim again. Then after still no response another 48 hours then up it to a claim. This helps show to Paypal that you tried everything in your power to resolve this but the buyer simply was only out to scam you for it then dispute payment.
How so? The only charge backs I have only ever lost with Paypal are ones where they funded via credit card and started the dispute via their bank. Paypal offers no buyer protection. Every one of my wins for someone charging back our services results in this exact quote for the buyer "The item is ineligible for PayPal Buyer Protection because it is intangible."

If you get to the part where the only options are issue refund or submit tracking number. Select submit tracking number. For the tracking number field but N/A - Intangible Item. Company select "Other" in the pull down and for the text field simply in a few words tell Paypal what the item/service was and there for results as a intangible item. They key to winning remains in how many times you point out in your responses that it is an intangible item.

Also be sure to always offer to make it right what with what they need fixed.. Offer to install it for them, etc.. 99.9% of the time they will not respond. Wait 48 hours and update your claim again. Then after still no response another 48 hours then up it to a claim. This helps show to Paypal that you tried everything in your power to resolve this but the buyer simply was only out to scam you for it then dispute payment.
Most Vietnamese scammers use a stolen paypal account, and the fraudulent charge will be refunded if the purchases weren't made by the account owner, even if it is an intangible item. I'd say this is about 80-90% of the cases for purchases for forum styles and add-ons.

The only chargeback I had (By a Vietnamese scammer) was using a stolen paypal account. This same person purchased from Onimua with a different stolen account. Both disputes were lost as the accounts were stolen, even though our products are listed as digital goods.

Once you start losing hundreds, or even thousands in some cases, the only option is to block or stop selling to people in that country. It might seem offensive, but there isn't much option when it negatively effects your business.
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