Not planned Version number?


Well-known member
Are you gonna include a version number in the footer?


Forum software by XenForo. Version 1.0.0?

Just wondering how major versions and point versions are going to be dealt with on here and how they are going to work. :)
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I personally want to hide version number. Just imagine one day someone comes up with an exploit of xenForo 1.3, what's the easiest way to try it out? Go to Google and search for "forum software by xenforo 1.3"...

For the credits, software's name is enough IMO.
I prefer a version number which can be switched on/off from the ACP. I like knowing what version software I'm using.
No need for it on the frontend IMHO. I'd imagine version # will be in the Admin CP.

Depends on which way the Dev's go with it. The normality is that it's publicly visible. If you can show me one semi-popular forum software which it isn't by default, I'd be surprised.
Depends on which way the Dev's go with it. The normality is that it's publicly visible. If you can show me one semi-popular forum software which it isn't by default, I'd be surprised.

Considering it's not visible here, I don't think we'll see it on the footer. In fact I don't think it even appears in the source anywhere.

Why do a lot of forum software put the version number in the footer? It means next to nothing to users in general, and doing it because "it's normal" isn't a good enough reason. The only place the version number should appear is in the admin control panel.

It would be a nice change if the version number didn't appear in the footer.
Yeah it doesn't seem to appear anywhere. Which is good.

Just if that's going to change please consider an option to turn off the version number. Not just in the footer. Everywhere.

And yeah ... security by obscurity might be stupid ... I'm still happy though there's an option to turn off server_tokens in nginx and to turn off expose_php in php.ini ;)
Depends on which way the Dev's go with it. The normality is that it's publicly visible. If you can show me one semi-popular forum software which it isn't by default, I'd be surprised.

What is the point of having the version number publicly visible? Is it something that your members, etc, really need to know?

As far as one that doesn't display it:

^ All three of those are powered by vBulletin, which by default, does include the version number.
Personally, I don't think it needs to be displayed, although, I daresay, a style variable could be used to include it. The reason why I think it doesn't need to be displayed? When someone looks at the credits, they don't take into account the version number. The software name is the primary resource.
Conversely, removing the version number from the footer gains you nothing in terms of security, although it does give you a small amount of obscurity. Personally, I don't care if the version number is there or not.
Conversely, removing the version number from the footer gains you nothing in terms of security, although it does give you a small amount of obscurity. Personally, I don't care if the version number is there or not.

I see it as unnecessary output.
It's not necessarily obscurity, but a base line defense to stay off of a 'for i in `cat`; do something nasty $i; done' list :)
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