
Velour 1.2.2

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Does any demo you have for this style? Also does work on XenForo 1.5.8? If so, please let me know for Branding free Versions.

Now, after a week color tweeking this super awesome Velour, all I need is the top nav buttons to function in a more usual way.

From the index page loaded, the top navigation buttons become deactivated if I first click on one of 'New Posts' 'Watched Threads' or 'Watched Forums'. (Could it be that this feature is some kind of development mode that slipped through...?)

Tested with XF 1.5.9 without add-ons enabled. However, I also did test with XF Media Gallery enabled. The extra (XFMG) nav button becomes deactivated amongst the others.

I had similar problems on v1.5.9 , Nav Buttons simply stopped working.

And that was on a clean install with only Velour added no extra addons. Yet no errors reported for templates being out dated.

Removed 1.5.9 and reverted back to 1.5.8 clean install and all works fine again now..

Removed 1.5.9 and reverted back to 1.5.8 clean install and all works fine again now..

Thanks for the info. Nice to see it's doable. Though on my testboard with XF 1.5.8 the issue is actually present there too. Well, that board is not a very clean install. I started from XF 1.5.0, installed Velour and then upgraded XF to 1.5.8. That to take advantage (I suppose) of the merge function for possible outdated templates that might show.

From my notes I see only "successfully merged..." and blue highlights saying that automatic merge will work. But hey, what do I know :LOL: ? I guess I'll try both a clean 1.5.8 and a 1.5.9 just to see what happens.

(Edit) Did you install Velour on top of 1.5.8, 1.5.9 or possibly on top of some other XF version?

Removed 1.5.9 and reverted back to 1.5.8 clean install and all works fine again now..

Right now I can't see that the issue is XF version related. I get pretty much the same result on 1.5.9, 1.5.8 and 1.5.7. But it does relate to Height of Header Logo (Style Properties: Header and Navigation). It also seems to be related to whether or not one is logged in – but I haven't looked into that so it's left out here.

I'm not very familiar with CSS but it's like there is an invisible layer that may cover the buttons and can make them inoperable for mouse inputs. Also, it's affeted by the Height of Header Logo setting. If set on the high side, buttons become covered only partly. If set to around 275px or more the problem actually disappears. But then you have a huge empty space on the page.

On my page I use only 70px (Height of Header Logo) and the *button cover layer* affects the buttons entirely (See attached "video")


(EDIT) I removed the video because it related badly to the topic.
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I think it's solved.

Buttons now do work as expected also after clicking 'New Posts' 'Watched Threads' and 'Watched Forums'.

I did:
Style Properties / Header and Navigation / Navigation Tab / Miscellaneous: z-index: 2;

Now, though not so critical, but what's been mentioned affects the logotype as well. Could one z-index that one too? If so where?

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I can't replicate this. Do you have a public site I can test this on? You seem to have Media Gallery installed, in your video you go to a specific page I can't reach, pages like New messages or Search work fine.
I'm sorry about the video that actually didn't show anything I mentioned in post. (Actually, I didn't notice I had the Media page (Media Gallery) pressed :)

I don't have a public site to test on -- but I will setup something tomorrow that you can test and admin via ACP. I'll make that a clean install, try to replicate and let you know what happened and what I did.

Question about tthe logo when the window resizes. My logo is about 750 px long and as the window shrinks in width it does not resize. Which causes the header buttons to push off the side of the screen.

Anyway to fix?
Question about tthe logo when the window resizes. My logo is about 750 px long and as the window shrinks in width it does not resize. Which causes the header buttons to push off the side of the screen.

Anyway to fix?
I'd suggest trying out Respollo first. Please let me know if that fixes the issue.
Ok, I'll push an update tomorrow. It would be nice if you provide me with your logo so I can test your case explicitly.
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