XF 1.3 Varnish and XenForo


Well-known member
We are using Varnish as frontend server and Apache for the backend. This means $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] will always return (i.e. the localhost address). The real client ip address however is available in the "X-Forwarded-For" header.

Now, browsing through the XenForo code, it seems there is some sort of support for X-Forwarded-For in Zend_Controller_Request_Http::getClientIp($checkProxy); the problem is this method is almost always called with the $checkProxy parameter false (see screenshot below). A simple "echo $request->getClientIp(false)" on the homepage indeed returns so this won't work.

I would like to propose a solution for this issue. We are using Symfony 2 for our main website and this framework has support for trusting proxies. Have a look:

1) Configure the ip address of the proxy server:

2) Check if the "X-Forwarded-For" header is valid in getClientIp():

It would be extremely helpful if XenForo could provide support for this.

Screenshot from 2014-05-21 13:33:12.webp
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At this point, we generally recommend that people set $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] as needed in config.php (using whatever logic is appropriate for your setup).
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