[UW] Smileys Bar [Deleted]

As per point 4 of the resource standards, please ensure you include a more complete list of changes made in a release, particularly bugs.
It would be nice if the smileys only loaded after clicking on the smiley icon - and not at the start of the page. I have a lot of smileys and it takes forever to load the whole page.
Thanks for the update 1.7.

LG: Tammy
It would be nice if the smileys only loaded after clicking on the smiley icon - and not at the start of the page. I have a lot of smileys and it takes forever to load the whole page.
Thanks for the update 1.7.

LG: Tammy

This is the arrow that serves the purpose of the stock smileys icon (this is what only loads after clicking on it):

That is way Smileys Bar is not called "Smileys" but "Smileys Bar". Smileys Bar has a different purpose than the stock smileys icon. As also explained in the overview, the purpose of the Smileys Bar is to be always visible and to show only a handful of smileys. So you don't have to keep turning it on and off always when you need to insert some most used smileys.

For a large number of smileys is designed the arrow that turns on the smileys menu.
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First, thank you for your addon.
Secondly, when you "Enable editor submit button" it hide the arrow for "more smileys"
Any idea for fix this?
I had asked the question a long time ago, but it was said - it's all good. Thought that it was only with me.
But I adjusted the smileys anyway, so the button is nicely moved (side effect).
Do you look here:

Or if you have no rights:

Nur eine kleine Anpassung - aber eine grosse Wirkung.

Die Smilies sind von Haus aus zu klein angepasst mit den 32px.
Gerade Schildersmilies sind generell nicht mehr lesbar. Das war in vB anders - denn die Smilies wurden in Originalgrösse angezeigt (meist um die 45-60px rum).

Mit folgender Anpassung hat man wieder eine sehr schöne Übersicht - und auch die Nutzer wieder mehr Freude an den Smilies.
Eine interne Umfrage hat nämlich ergeben das die meisten die Smilies kaum nutzen weil das alles zu frickelig klein war ... bin gespannt ob sich das Nutzungsverhalten der Smilies wieder ändert - zumindest bin ich jetzt sehr zufrieden mit der Ansicht!

hier der Code, der bitte in der extras.less eingefügt wird:

/* Smilieansicht anpassen für UW Smilys-Bar */

.emojiList > li {
  min-width: 70px;

  a {
    min-width: 70px;
    height: 70px;

    img {
      max-height: 64px;
   .smilie.smilie--emoji {
       width: 48px;

otherwise please play something with this.
I have the button in the text field at the top right:

#siropuChatEditor form button[type="submit"] {
    bottom: 90px; /* test it - "xx"px */

LG: Tammy
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There's no search displayed, some smilies are duplicated and others are displayed even when unchecked. What's going on here?
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