Username color by group


Hi all,

I am a new user of XenForo,
I search to define a color on each group, to print usernames in color on my entiere site. Like phpbb does. (Admin = red, moderator = ping, vip = green ...)

I applied the CSS clauses on group configuration, and i set correctly the priority, but the color is visible only on "Recent status updates", and "staff online" blocks.

Anyone know how to applie it on entiere forum ? (threads, memberlist, online users, ...)

Thanks for your help ;)
This doesn't color-code the names of the people who are in those groups. I was looking for a way that everyone in that group would have their names color-coded, and not necessarily the actual group name itself. Any ideas? I've seen this down on this site:

So I know it can be done somehow...
Here are some screenshots of how it's not working for me:


And here's how my name is still blue:

Ok then, I was sent to this area concerning my wanting to have the staff groups color-coded like on 'this' site:

Obviously I was brought here in error because I'm looking to have all members inside of each staff group color-coded 'like the site above' and with each group to have a different color-code. Any help on this? Thanks in advance ;-)
Thanks, but it says nothing about my being able to just change the colors of the people in the staff groups I've created. It's clear as day on this guys site ( ) , but seems nobody knows how he's doing it.

It's necessary to me because that will define who our 'clan members' are over other site members ;-( I need to figure this one out badly...
Ok, I think I'm on to something here. I've found where I can change the color of the whole Staff heading. I went to STYLES / CUSTOMIZED COMPONENTS then selected 'XenStaff_index.css' which shows me this:

.staffHeading {
font-size: 12pt;
font-family:'Trebuchet MS',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
line-height: 1.0
margin: 0px;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: 10px;
padding: 0px;

So what I think I need NOW, is some coding which will allow me to make separate colors for each of the 8 staff groups I have..Someone PLZ assist me on this venture? We're almost there, or "closer" atleast ;-)
Update: I've gone over and over this with no outcome. I know it's right there in front but I must be doing something wrong maybe. Can someone plz help me get this to work? I really need to proceed because there is now 'deadline' of a few days...
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