Add-on User Upgrade Page Update


Active member
I need someone to make a addon or template mod that will change the layout of the User Upgrades.

I'd like to use HTML for the description so I can do all of the things listed below. If this is not possible, then I'd like to be able to have a different layout:
Upgrade Name
Upgrade Desc
Picture (small product Picture)
QTY in months
Price - Sum of QTY
And the purchase button

I have about 15 of these here is snapshot of the boring way I use now:

I do not want to make a Seperate Upgrade for 1month,2month,3month - That just looks terrible. I was hoping to incorporate this into the payment processor so that it would know how the length of upgrade based on the response back.

Give me a estimate of $

BUMP... No interest in this? Im offering $100, and they obtain all rights, and can release it to the public or re-sale it if they wish.
I'd love to have some more control with the account upgrades. An addon such as the one described in the OP would be quite useful in my case. I hope you find someone to take it on. Good luck. :coffee:
No takers yet... My budget just increased to $150 for this project.

I took a look at the paypal controller, and it does support qty field - so it shouldnt be too difficult to incorporate a qty (instead of having a sub for 1 month, 2 month, 3...)
Update, I was able to get QTY to work by modifying some templates.. know I need to make a add-on with these so I dont have to upload each time xenforo updates.
This is something that would work well for a temporary solution for me. So consider this watched and when I get some spare time I'll send you a PC.
It was Syndol who told me to try (account_upgrades template):

<div class="upgradeMain">
    <h4 class="title">{$upgrade.title}</h4>
    <xen:if is="{$upgrade.description}">
        <div class="description">{xen:raw $upgrade.description}</div>

Here is the latest with the Quantity Select added:
How about a mod that requires payment upfront upon user registration? Right now you have to join as a free member then upgrade. It's totally backwards when you run a paid members only site.
basically 90% of my site is paid only, I like to keep the other 10% for future members to ask pre-sales questions, engage in conversations, etc.
Just an Update.

I hired Syndol to do my coupon discount template edit.. I must say he did a fantastic job.

They are direct template edits with an addon. Here is a pic:

It uses single use coupons - that I give to my resellers. I am so happy!

Thanks again Syndol, it was a pleasure working with you.

Yeah he is a great coder. One of the few on XenForo that I would hire or partner with.

Do you actually make much money selling hacks? I find that amusing. And cool :p
Yeah he is a great coder. One of the few on XenForo that I would hire or partner with.

Do you actually make much money selling hacks? I find that amusing. And cool :p

Its big buisness - I am one of the top 5 sites - and im pretty small at only 578 subscriptions (per month). PC gaming is making a come back since consoles are limited in memory and graphic capabilities, larger maps etc.
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