XF 2.1 User registration not working after upgrade to 2.1.0


User registration stopped working after I updated my forum to 2.1.0. The registration form refreshes and nothing happens after clicking on the create account button.

I've also updated PHP from 7.0 to 7.2 right before the XF update. No errors on the logs.

Would appreciate any help. Our forum has been quite busy with a few new registrations happening every hour.
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I would also try on a unmodified default style.
Tried forcing the default style as the main style. Still didn't work.

Suspecting it could be something related to cache as I noticed now that users that are not logged in can't change style. It will revert to the default choice for guests, but logged in users can change it. But this was happening before we had problems with registrations.

Another thing, I would upgrade to at least 2.0.12 to ensure you are not running into some old bug.

You mean downgrade? I'm running the newest version, 2.1.0, upgraded from 2.0.something.
Which cache are you referring to?
Seems like it's related to Varnish cache we have on our servers. Was doing some test to confirm it, so excuse my late reply.

I don't know why it started to happen only after the upgrade. We've been using XF & Varnish for many years without problems.
I would open a ticket, give ACP and FTP access so staff can troubleshoot the issue.
That's what I did. We're still trying to figure out a solution.
Finally fixed this by excluding two urls from Varnishing: index.php?register/ and index.php?register/register. Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. Hopefully this will help if anyone else ran into a similar problem eventually.
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