User/Inbox/Alert Icon Replacement

User/Inbox/Alert Icon Replacement

Just an FYI, but phrases support HTML.

So rather than editing the templates to replace the phrase name with e.g. <i class="icon-envelope-alt icon-large icon-fixed-width"></i>, you can just edit the phrase text itself and replace Inbox with <i class="icon-envelope-alt icon-large icon-fixed-width"></i>.
Just an FYI, but phrases support HTML.

So rather than editing the templates to replace the phrase name with e.g. <i class="icon-envelope-alt icon-large icon-fixed-width"></i>, you can just edit the phrase text itself and replace Inbox with <i class="icon-envelope-alt icon-large icon-fixed-width"></i>.

And if that phrase shows anywhere else (which some do), it will also show there as well. I prefer the template edit.
Is it possible to have the outlined Icons just if there are no alerts and the filled icons if Alerts are on?
I would like to see that too.

Btw, I've changed the inline code fa-lg to fa-lw. Icons are smaller now, but nicer in my opinion.

any member of my xF post last days this:

any solution for this? (Win7, FF 27)

In other browsers by other members its all fine...
Last edited:

we have solved it today - the user blocks in browser external files from other domains over a block addon for FF.


Generaly - will it be posibel hosting the awesome css file on my own domain/server for my own xF legaly?

OK found out what was up: user was using NoScript ( a script blocker). He needed to whitelist the URL of the link.

Does anyone know a way to stop this happening? Or is it something too rare to worry about?
In case someone wants to do this with ******* Credits:

1. Follow Instructions by Sheldon.
2. Go to template BRC_navigation_visitor_tabs_end
3. Find:
<a href="{xen:link 'credits'}" rel="Menu" class="navLink NoPopupGadget">{xen:phrase BRC_credit}</a>
4. Replace with:
<a href="{xen:link 'credits'}" rel="Menu" class="navLink NoPopupGadget"><i class="fa fa-dollar fa-lg fa-fw"></i></a>

Done. :)
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