XF 2.2 User group permission problem


Active member
Hello, we have a problem with user group permission.

1) register -> primary group, can use private message
1) group 1 -> secondary group (with specific permission) -> can use private message
2) group 2 -> secondary grou -> is set to can't use private message, NEVER.

group 2 is a group made for a kind of suspension (temporary ban), and we would like to set this user group to a specific user and for a specific time (1 day. 2 day. etc) when he break the rules. This hybrid ban user group let user to read the forum, but avoid them to use it like write/react/etc... We would like to avoid user to use private message too... and so, we have put the rule NEVER in private message permission of group 2.

THE PROBLEM IS that permission to use private message of user group 2 (set to NEVER) sems to no overwrite the others user group permission set to YES.

What are we doing wrong? thanks.
Have you ever discuss with a banned user? trust me, is not a pleasant discussion.
Pleasant or not... .it still sometimes should be done. There could be extenuating circumstances that occurred.
Having to go into a room with a body that's been dead for a week in the summer and no air conditioning is not a pleasant process... but in some fields it's "part of the job". One has to learn to accept the good with the bad.
Pleasant or not... .it still sometimes should be done. There could be extenuating circumstances that occurred.
Having to go into a room with a body that's been dead for a week in the summer and no air conditioning is not a pleasant process... but in some fields it's "part of the job". One has to learn to accept the good with the bad.
seriously? not.
I agree with you only if we were forced to do that and no solution exists.
If i can change the rule for a better job, why not?
Of course, but as you can see in the screenshot I uploaded, the plugin I brought has a setting called "Post replies" if you set it to "never" the user will be able to receive messages but will not be able to reply to them
Sorry, i hadn't see that! thanks!
Okay, then use the above addon to allow access. Set the Start conversion permission to No for banned group, and use this addon to allow them to reply,
Thanks! i'd missing that rule, sorry. Very thanks for the help!

This addon solved my problem!
thanks to all again.
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