Add-on User Gallery


Active member
Ok, so how do I get tot he User Gallery? I have it installed, have made sure all the files are uploaded, but...I don't see it anywhere on my forum :(

Ok, another question...this is what I see when I upload an there not supposed to be some kind of like image, etc. on the sides? And should not the count change when a comment is added? Thanks!

Hahaha!!! You guys are funny!! OK, so I guess I shouldn't see the like or any other button in my own album??? right now, I am just testing before I completely implement...
If you log in as another user with the same privileges as your admin account you should see your album from the perspective of someone else viewing it
The like button is exactly the same as the like button when viewing threads.

The thumbs up icon can be changed here
Ok, I think I know what the issue is...I am using the XenFracture style and it seems like the style is not carrying over to the User Album add-on, even though I uploaded the files to that style. When I login as a tester, I do not see the Thumbs Up or anything remotely like the attached...All I see is the image I attached in my earlier post.

user-album2.webp I need to upload the User Album style to the default XF style, even though I am using a custom style? Do I make any sense?? ;)
Ahh yes, you need to take the 'xfr' folder from upload -> styles -> default and put it in the styles -> fracture folder
Yes, that is exactly what I did...everything is ok except for the icons and text below images . Thank you for all your help.
One quick thought...I uploaded the xfr folder to Styles -> Fracture -> Xenforo...should I have uploaded just to Styles -> Fracture? And if I make changes, do I need to upload the XML file again? Just trying to get this working. Thanks.
OK, all is well now...John from XenStyles was able to more question though...I have the option checked off to show the latest album in the forum sidebar, but that is not occurring. Any ideas?

Thanks everyone!
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