User Essentials [Paid] [Deleted]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
  • Start date Start date
Yes, just make them purchase a user group upgrade and assign that group permission to change their name only once.

Unfortunately syndol, due to having custom addons replicating some of your features I decided to go with the other addon offering the same username change options to avoid any clash / double happenings.

Thanks for replying however.
I might be completely wrong here, and I tried looking through this thread, but wasn't it possible to edit the thread title in the quick edit overlay?
I have decided to have the function turned off where the users can change their usernames. But when I looked at a profile, where I had change the username via the ACP, I noticed a new tab ("previous names") showing up. I would really like to not have this tab visible. Is this possible?
I am currently out of the country with only access to my iPad, but I do believe there is an option to have ACP name changes show/not show.
extremely usefull addon, i like it a lot, but only one addition that cool to be in this perfect addon is sticking first post in thread, like first post on all pages.
Syndol I getting this weird error when I have this mod on v1.0.8 on xenforo 1.1.3, It seems style related, as I don't see it on Xen default style. Although the style was build completely by me, and I don't remember editing anything around that area. Any ideas?

Looks like you have multiple edits of the same template.
Perhaps you originally added the edits manually and then installed TMS prior to upgrading to 1.0.8?
Please ensure the template edits are as indicated in the folder 'Template Edits' located in the Zip file of the add-on.
Looks like you have multiple edits of the same template.
Perhaps you originally added the edits manually and then installed TMS prior to upgrading to 1.0.8?
Please ensure the template edits are as indicated in the folder 'Template Edits' located in the Zip file of the add-on.

Indeed there were additional edits in the post_edit template. Thanks for the fast reply!
I believe this mod is causing this for me because it doesn't seem to happen when I disable it, could be wrong though. Anyway, If I edit a first post in a thread that thread automatically becomes locked and I have to manually reopen it. Is there a setting I have wrong? Anyone else have this issue?

EDIT: Fixed, I didn't have the template edits done correctly. Thanks Syndol for the fast support!
The only thing I need from your addon is the "Edit Thread Prefix" feature to allow the thread starter to change their thread prefix. Nothing else. They should not be able to edit e.g. the thread title .

I'm not sure if you have coupled editing the prefix edit with editing the thread title? If this is connected, is there any chance that you could make a separate permission for changing the prefix?
Hi Walter,
I'm afraid the title and prefix permissions are tied together.
I have no plans to separate them at the moment. It would require quite a lot of people to want/require this feature for me to spend the time required to achieve this.
Hi Syndol,
found an issue with User Essentials and Widget Framework, avatars are not read out correctly for the 'new threads'-widget (all show default avatar) if UE is active. Maybe you can have a look? Thanks!
The issue seems to be due to a line of code in the Widget Framework add-on.
In that add-on in file Extend/Model/Thread.php on line 61 it says
if (!empty($fetchOptions['last_post_join']) AND empty($fetchOptions['join'])) {
Replace that with:
if (!empty($fetchOptions['last_post_join'])) {

That line of code is expecting an empty ‘join’ field which is not the case when my add-on is active.
I have contacted xfrocks in order to get his opinion about this matter.
Is there a way for an administrator to grant a member more username tokens?

Like I give everyone on the site 3 but it seems the only way to reset someone's tokens is to increase the site limit for everyone and I don't want to do that.
The number of changes is set via the options page. To achieve what you want means changing it to a user group permission.
The reason I've made it this way is because I see name changing as a tool rather than a perk for account upgrades.
To change this now only makes sense if the majority of people who own this add-on actually want this feature.
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