XF 1.2 URL paths are screwy after using XenPorta


So I just turned on XenPorta and while it works great, it has now messed with my URL paths. What once was "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php" is now "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php?forums/." I'm not entirely sure what the issue is but my guess is that this is due to the fact of where the forums are installed in the file directory. So would it be as easy as moving the file folder up a folder or two?

Also, I'd like to finally get off of not using full friendly URLs and would love to have "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/" instead of "http://www.bareefers.org/forum/index.php."

Any direction would be greatly appreciated! If it helps any, the folder path that the forum is installed on is /home/bar/www/forum and my Index Page Route (from Basic Board Information) points to /portal.
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