Upgrading to 1.1.0 to 1.1.1


Active member
I just did a clean upgrade upload and once I tried to upgrade I received this error

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Out of memory (Needed 1283808 bytes)
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php at line 164
XenForo_Model_DataRegistry->set() in XenForo/Model/Style.php at line 434
XenForo_Model_Style->rebuildStyleCache() in XenForo/DataWriter/Style.php at line 171
XenForo_DataWriter_Style->_rebuildCache() in XenForo/DataWriter/Style.php at line 162
XenForo_DataWriter_Style->_postSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1385
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/StyleProperty.php at line 699
XenForo_Model_StyleProperty->updatePropertyCacheInStyle() in XenForo/Model/StyleProperty.php at line 632
XenForo_Model_StyleProperty->rebuildPropertyCacheInStyleAndChildren() in XenForo/Model/StyleProperty.php at line 2318
XenForo_Model_StyleProperty->importStylePropertiesFromArray() in XenForo/Model/StyleProperty.php at line 2189
XenForo_Model_StyleProperty->importStylePropertyXml() in XenForo/Model/StyleProperty.php at line 2122
XenForo_Model_StyleProperty->importStylePropertyDevelopmentXml() in XenForo/CacheRebuilder/ImportMasterData.php at line 45
XenForo_CacheRebuilder_ImportMasterData->rebuild() in XenForo/ControllerHelper/CacheRebuild.php at line 26
XenForo_ControllerHelper_CacheRebuild->rebuildCache() in XenForo/Install/Controller/Upgrade.php at line 232
XenForo_Install_Controller_Upgrade->actionRebuild() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /services/webpages/util/2/m/2myhego1f.myutilitydomain.com/downwithdestruction.net/public/forum/install/index.php at line 18

This is really just saying that your server is physically out of memory. (And if there's swap space, it's full.)

If it's a dedicated server or VPS, you'll need to do some server tuning (such as turning on swap), reducing memory usage of processes, or add memory. If it's a shared server, you'll need to contact your host.
Dedicated Servers shouldn't be giving you this error.
Wrong. Dedicated servers will have memory limits configured out of the box. Some system tuning and PHP tuning will be required to remove this error. Stock installs of PHP are conservative with memory on every distro.
Wrong. Dedicated servers will have memory limits configured out of the box. Some system tuning and PHP tuning will be required to remove this error. Stock installs of PHP are conservative with memory on every distro.
I figured as much, but the reason I said this is because if you bought a brand new dedicated server and actually installed a FRESH install of xenforo, it SHOULD not be giving you this error. Because VPS and Shared servers means you're sharing hard drive with other customers, while dedicated servers you sort of own that server/hard drive. I understand it's a rental, but what I mean is that you're not sharing information with another customer's server. It's one thing to be on a single server with other customers, than do have your own server. That's what this thread is about.

However, I understand there are memory limits and packet sizes (PHP and system tuning). The general consensus that I am trying to reach is that dedicated servers should not be giving you this error because you're not really sharing your server with another customer.

Finally, hosts give out limits to dedicated servers. That is circumstance, that means that when you paid off the server costs at dedicated server level, you agreed to a limit. In other cases, hosts give you infinity amount of storage in any area of the server.
I figured as much, but the reason I said this is because if you bought a brand new dedicated server and actually installed a FRESH install of xenforo, it SHOULD not be giving you this error. Because VPS and Shared servers means you're sharing hard drive with other customers, while dedicated servers you sort of own that server. I understand it's a rental, but what I mean is that you're not sharing information with another customer's server. It's one thing to be on a single server with other customers, than do have your own server. That's what this thread is about.

However, I understand there are memory limits and packet sizes (PHP and system tuning). The general consensus that I am trying to reach is that dedicated servers should not be giving you this error because you're not really sharing your server with another customer.

Finally, hosts give out limits to dedicated servers. That is circumstance, that means that when you paid off the server costs at dedicated server level, you agreed to a limit. In other cases, hosts give you infinity amount of storage in any area of the server.

Calm down. A default install of any Linux OS will place a restricted memory restriction on PHP. If you want to tune it, being a dedicated server, then you the operator has to do that. Out of the box most distro's restrict PHP to a 64mb limit.
I am calm. I'm just saying from my perspective. I also understand PHP has it's own limits, what I am saying is from a server side area, it should not be.

I said at the end what the circumstances are. Hosts don't pay attention to PHP packet sizes, espcially the smaller ones. The larger ones do, because they want you, the customer to be able to have your own dedicated server without restrictions. BUT if you can't afford to have more PHP packet size, then they put that cap on.

That's what's happening here, you pay a number, they put a limit.
I am calm. I'm just saying from my perspective. I also understand PHP has it's own limits, what I am saying is from a server side area, it should not be.

I said at the end what the circumstances are. Hosts don't pay attention to PHP packet sizes, espcially the smaller ones. The larger ones do, because they want you, the customer to be able to have your own dedicated server without restrictions.
Hmm. No. When you purchase a dedicated server YOU are responsible for the setup/configuration of the server, not the host. That is what dedicated means. i could buy 20 dedicated servers to run my site tomorrow, that means I have to configure and make things work, not the hosting company as the systems I bought were dedicated.
Why 20 dedicate servers? You only need one, you just need to ask the host to increase packet size. Trust me, I am on a dedicated server right now, with a friend hosting it. I host more than 6 websites on my server, he is hosting more than 4 websites in the same server. He's also hosting his friends' servers in there, as well. You have to negotiate with your host to increase the packet sizes without breaking the bank.

I'm talking about a server that's holding a vb4 site with 2 million posts, while having other websites in the same server. I think that's overkill for a standard server.
Why 20 dedicate servers? You only need one, you just need to ask the host to increase packet size. Trust me, I am on a dedicated server right now, with a friend hosing it. I host more than 6 websites on my server, he is hosting more than 4 websites in the same server. He's also hosting his friends' servers in there, as well. You have to negotiate with your host to increase the packet sizes without breaking the bank.

I designed and built directline.co.uk (the biggest insurance company in the UK) and game .co.uk (the biggest games retailer in the UK). I know what I am talking about. Please.
Hm, so in the mist of all this. what should I do? I did contact my host provider and the response I received back was they are submitting a support ticket to try and resolve this issue. Since that has been done, my site have been going haywire with errors (An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.) Cache errors and offline messages (Guessing they are changing somethings around. not sure) Any suggestions?
Well, I definitely learned something from someone called Deebs! :p
Hm, so in the mist of all this. what should I do? I did contact my host provider and the response I received back was they are submitting a support ticket to try and resolve this issue. Since that has been done, my site have been going haywire with errors (An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.) Cache errors and offline messages (Guessing they are changing somethings around. not sure) Any suggestions?
It sounds like they solved the PHP thing, might want to wait on that cache problem being solved? Hm. :unsure:

What kind of server are you on? Curious.
Hm, so in the mist of all this. what should I do? I did contact my host provider and the response I received back was they are submitting a support ticket to try and resolve this issue. Since that has been done, my site have been going haywire with errors (An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.) Cache errors and offline messages (Guessing they are changing somethings around. not sure) Any suggestions?
If you do not have complete control over your server I would reduce the number of themes/addons you have to sit with your memory limits.
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