Ultimate Ads

Ultimate Ads 2.0.1

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I started with basic and have now moved to custom.
It might also be an issue knowing if it is yours or mine.
I would also like an option to have in every x number of posts. Starting with one in first or under first, then next one after for example post 9.

Macrumors have found a good balance:
hm, this is interesting. I may make a tab for advanced in message body options because this seems to be leading to that. Although I wait till I get things a bit more organized before I do that. I have some things I want to change and update for the next update. :)
Your ads seems to have disappeared, (unless it's mine? How can I check?) But it's showing in header even after I unchecked this? Is there a delay before changes get registered? (I obviously reloaded the browser..)
Your ads seems to have disappeared, (unless it's mine? How can I check?) But it's showing in header even after I unchecked this? Is there a delay before changes get registered? (I obviously reloaded the browser..)
The best way to check is to add some text before and after your ad code or some horizontal rules.
Adsense codes come with default comment telling the ad name. If you view the source do a search for "Matthew H" or "Default Ad" (I can't remember what I put in the comment) to see if it's still there.
Make sure if you're working with custom ads that you go back to the basic and check to see if everything is unchecked because custom with only prepend the basic ads, not replace them (all though, an override switch may be nice in the next update?).

And course, make sure you saved. ;)
Ok, they seem to be mine :)
But, the header is still showing ad, I have not enabled this space.
Can you screenshot your settings for me? The first and second tab please and can you also screenshot the page or post the link?
I want to get this resolved as quickly as possible. :)
Another thing i noticed is my banner stays the default size in responsive view Meaning it over hangs the theme on mobile devices

Resizing the ads With the responsive theme would be great.
Another thing i noticed is my banner stays the default size in responsive view Meaning it over hangs the theme on mobile devices

Resizing the ads With the responsive theme would be great.
Are you changing from a large width to a small width?
I've noticed that when you take a page and then adjust it's size before you reload it, it will hand over.

Here's an example. Loaded full page...
When it's adjusted without it being reloaded.


However, when you reload the page when it's resized...

This would all be your ad code. However I could look into adding an option that would detect screen width changes and reload the ad code.
Thanks :) i'm sure you could add the option to re-size / shrink images to fit automatically? maybe via css?

width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
Hi, looks nice the plugin. In my site I have 3 ads: 1 header ad and 2 interpost ads, With your plugin can I display the header banner to all users (registered & unregistered) and the other 2 ads only to unregistered/visitors? Thanks.
Hi, looks nice the plugin. In my site I have 3 ads: 1 header ad and 2 interpost ads, With your plugin can I display the header banner to all users (registered & unregistered) and the other 2 ads only to unregistered/visitors? Thanks.
Not as of now, however...I'm currently working on an update for the most recent version of XenForo which seemed to break some visual stuff in the AdminCP, well at least for me. And I will be adding some new things for the "Custom Ad" section. :)
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