Two Questions My Friends

Hey XenForo users,

I had a question on how to improve my XenForo community. I need to make new "tabs" like for example. Instead of how they say Home, Forums, Members, Help, etc., I want to make more tabs that I can customize. I believe there is a plugin called XenFans? I do not know the exact name, link would be appreciated.

Another request would be the following. Is there a addon that allows me to have a Shop? I would like to see it. I would make the shop under one of the "tabs" as well.

Help is always appreciated!

This addon is good for adding nav links:

Or you can manually edit the templates:

What kind of "shop" do you want exactly?

A shop where I can sell items and they have like drop down menus. Just like simple navigation. It is a gaming community, so all I need is for them to select the game, then the product, then just dropdown menu options for everything.

O and I am ALSO looking for the ability to add IMAGE titles instead of titles with words. HELP!
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