Trying to understand user upgrades schema, specifically extra_group_ids


Active member
Hi All,

I was working with importing my user subscriptions from mybb for user upgrades.
I created a sample one so I could see the data that it was looking for so I could use that as a base to start my code.

One thing I can't figure out is the "extra_group_ids". When I add the sample via the UI, I add the usergroup "Premium Members" which is usegroup ID 11, however the UI adds extra_group_ids of 3131

I can't seem to make sense of this.

Any ideas how this is formed so I can use this for the process of adding these user upgrades?

Whenever you are inserting, just set the 'extra_group_ids' value as array and when reading the value, explode it. The reason you see it weird numbers rather than just the 11 is because the column type is varbinary :)
Ah yeah varbinary I should have suspected as much. I need to update my queries to show them as varchar thanks
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