Trying to Decide Between XenForo and IPB

Ian Eberle

I want to start a forum under the domain and I have been looking at three major software companies - vBulletin, IPB, and lately, XenForo. I automatically ruled vBulletin out because it looks as if they are going backwards in development, so now it's down to XenForo and IPB.

I had my heart set on IPB until I went to check out and it was going to cost almost $300 to get the IP.Board, IP.Nexus, and IP.Content. That's $300 without the extra renewal fees to get updates every 6 months. Basically, IPB looked like an endless money pit, so I turned to XenForo. I know XenForo is currently in a lawsuit, but I don't really care. I see them beating vBulletin and if they don't, I'll simply take my forum to another platform - no biggie.

Here's what I like about IP.Board and their official addons (IP.Nexus and IP.Content):

1. Flashy design - The first thing that caught my eye about IPB was that the design appears modern. Most vBulletin-powered forums look like they were made in 2005 and haven't been updated since. Even the forum I'm trying to base mine off of ( looks archaic and old. Plus, the old vBulletin software is hard to navigate with its complex menus and such.

2. The ability to bill members using IP.Nexus that will automatically add them to certain groups and display badges or custom messages under their username when they post. I'm pretty sure vBulletin also offers this.

3. Another thing about IP.Nexus - The ability to accept credit cards and other forms of payment with, PayPal, 2Checkout, etc. This is nice so I can accept donations, create a premium area, sell advertisements directly, etc. IP.Nexus also had advanced options for ad placement even with Google AdSense, which is probably what I'll start using at first.

4. IP.Content seems to be streamlined into the forum software as well as other addons like Nexus and Gallery.

5. I liked some other features, but generally, I want software that does what it's supposed to.

What I don't like about IP.Board:

1. The price is outrageous.

2. You can't transfer licenses, so if I were to get a used license from a place like Digital Point Forums, it would be sketchy and risky, so I'm stuck paying the full price if I want to be safe.

3. When people reply to a thread (or start their own), they have to opt-in to email updates with a special button. I feel that this button is very much overlooked and will affect the amount of repeat visitors I have. People are used to vBulletin's style - when you reply to a thread, you're automatically subscribed to receive emails when others reply. I personally like this and it's disappointing that IPB doesn't even allow you to turn it on without altering code.

What about XenForo?

I understand XenForo is in the middle of a big lawsuit right now, so things are delayed, but they really have no information on their sales page. I know they have the demo you can try out, but they don't really tell you the features it comes with. The price at $140 is VERY reasonable and I believe that's a one-time deal, correct?

As with CMS, I would probably use WordPress as I am already familiar with it. However, I'm still unsure if installing XenForo at or would be better for SEO if I used WordPress as a CMS for articles.

Does XenForo allow the features I like with IPB? What about the ones I dislike? The truth is - there's not a lot of info out there about XenForo, but it looks promising! I know the signup and getting to be able to post this thread was super easy, so it's already giving me a good impression.

P.S. One last thing - I've seen a lot of people talking about XenForo's code and how perfect it is. This is something else that's important to me because good code = less server load. If the code has PHP errors and stuff, it could cause timeouts and cause my server to crash.
Re: "The Community, here you will always have a helping hand."

I'm new as well, and have to tell you. The resources and people who help each other out here are more than worth their weight in gold. Having solid software is one thing and I think the foundation here with Xenforo is top notch. But when you combine that solid foundation with help when you get stuck---and we all do, then it gives you the satisfaction that you're moving forward with your business with a group of people who all want and support you in the success of your forum and your community that you create.


Couldn''t agree more. XenForo has one of the most helpful forum community around.
Couldn''t agree more. XenForo has one of the most helpful forum community around.

Yes, that is true. I moved from Xenforo to IP.Board and I like the new system and I do prefer it, because it fits my needs better, but some people over there are really horrible. They assume you should know everything and many sensible suggestions to improve something come with the answer from users having thousands of posts "why? what for? it is good as it is, why change it?"

On top of that - I purchased IP.Nexus and I am not satisfied with the way it works - click based advertisements do not become inactive after purchased clicks expire. I have files a support ticket on Tuesday and nothing until today (Friday). Today I filed a Paypal claim - IPS completely blocked my client account without any warning. Not only I didn't get any help with faulty software, but they decided to kick me out as their customer. And I wasn't unpleasant or anything like that. I just asked for a refund, because something I bought does not work as advertised. Now I paid almost $300 for something that I can't download, upgrade or ask for any support...
Seems unfair jacko.

Is that a feature you want or was it a feature IPS said they had ?

"Packages can be offered that sell an ad slot by length of time or number of clicks, which users buy just like any other product. Their ad then enters the automatic rotation until expiration."

Basically all clients that purchased 20 clicks have their ads still rolling, even if they have already 40 of 50 clicks on their advertisement.
"Packages can be offered that sell an ad slot by length of time or number of clicks, which users buy just like any other product. Their ad then enters the automatic rotation until expiration."
Has Support told you they 100% can't do what you want ?
Seems like you could have worked with IPS a bit more before making Paypal get involved.
Super weird that IPS shut you out though.
Seems pointless.
Has Support told you they 100% can't do what you want ?
Seems like you could have worked with IPS a bit more before making Paypal get involved.
Super weird that IPS shut you out though.
Seems pointless.

Sorry, that wasn't a Paypal claim - just a dispute. They escalated it to a claim today and Paypal automatically closed it, because they can only protect delivered goods, not electronically delivered software. They must have known that.
And now when I try to reply by email about my support ticket regarding the problem with advertisement I get this:


Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, the support request that you have replied to has been marked resolved by our system.

In order to contact us, please submit a new support request from the client area.

Thank you.

They really blocked me. I am shocked. I think I will have to purchase license again though my wife to get access to updates and support...
Has Support told you they 100% can't do what you want ?

No, but that doesn't matter. If they replied to my Paypal dispute - "sorry, we can't refund your money, but we will fix the software" - I would be perfectly fine with that. There must have been some angry person sitting there that escalated dispute to a claim and banned my account on invision power website.
I think this might get a gentle warning of being off topic for this board.
Digital Doc can you help Jacko transfer this to one or more of the general admin forums. There's good support on some of them too.
This one is for discussing XF how it works, how to develop it, use addons etc.
Could you have purchased IP.Nexus with a credit card ?
I could have, but I usually use Paypal instead of typing card details every time.

I have purchased IP.Board, IP.Gallery, IP.Nexus and a few mods. Now I lost the access to all of it. Can someone really do that legally?
They had my login credentials to my hosting account to assist me with support issues. At least they didn't take my site down (yet...).
If they replied to my Paypal dispute - "sorry, we can't refund your money, but we will fix the software"
I think your mistake was getting Paypal involved too early.
I suggest you email the Support person and say the Paypal dispute is closed and that you are sorry but would like to resolve your issue peacefully. If that doesn't work .. some of the IPB support staff hang out at If you make a non-confrontational post there ... it could help you get it resolved.

Say you were confused at bit about the whole thing due to a language barrier. Throw in the fact you are happy with your migration away from Xenforo and like IPB and you'll be good to go ! :)
I think your mistake was getting Paypal involved too early.

I didn't really involve Paypal. They did by escalating our dispute to a claim. Anyway - I did what any unhappy customer would do. And I did it peacefully without any rudeness on my side. I always try to be polite. It's a shame they did that. I wanted to buy IP.Content but now I am not sure. They don't really seem like very nice people to deal with. Such an angry reaction for something really small.
Here is the reply I got from them:

We received a payment reversal from PayPal so your account was suspended.

And still no solution! My account is still blocked and the IP.Nexus Advertising system is still broken!

BTW - the email from Paypal was this:

Your seller has chosen to escalate this dispute to a PayPal claim. By
ending communication with you and escalating to a claim, the seller is
asking PayPal to investigate the case and decide the outcome. As part of
our investigation, PayPal reviewed any communication you may have had in
the Resolution Center.

Our investigation into your claim is complete. As stated in our User
Agreement, the claims process only applies to the shipment of goods. It
does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods
received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a
I'm sorry I don't think that this is the appropriate place to sort out a dispute with another forum software.
This board is for Xenforo interests and issues.

Please let it serve as a warning against poor IPBoard customer service. I shouldn't post that much, but my initial intention was to answer the topic starter.
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