XF 1.4 Trophy points not getting added


New member
Hi All

It seems the trophy points are not getting updated. I have manually run the cron. It says successfull. Yet, I see points not getting updated. I have set trophy points of 5 on getting like on user post.

can you guide me here ?

Xenforo version: 1.4.1
Note the restrictions on user matching for the trophy cron:


		$users = $userModel->getUsers(array(
			'user_state' => 'valid',
			'is_banned' => 0,
			'last_activity' => array('>', XenForo_Application::$time - 2 * 3600)
		), array(
			'join' => XenForo_Model_User::FETCH_USER_FULL

It processes valid users (not moderated or awaiting email confirmation) who are not banned who have been active within the last 2 hours.
@Jake Bunce Ok that means the trophy points get updated for users who were active in last 2 hours. How do i update trophy points for all existing users. Trophy points seems to be wrong . E.g. User has 8 Likes (40 points) yet those are not considered.

1. How do i manually update the trophy points for all users ?
2. Once update is done, what should be my next step ( Will cron do things automatically ? Because i dont see points updates for most users) . ?
3. How do i validate if cron is running ? ( Even though in xenforo it says successfull ) ?

Thank you for your reply. Your guidance is much appreciated.

I have replied to your ticket but just to reiterate, to award them to all members, you can run the Rebuild Trophies task in the ACP -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches
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