Transliteration function help


Active member

I am trying to implement a transliteration function to my forum.

I've added this code to the source of the JS function inside the <head></head> section of the forum inside the PAGE CONTAINER template.
<script language="javascript" src="blahblahsomesourcetomyfolder/translit.js"></script>

Then I've added a button to call up my function of transliteration inside the EDITOR_QUICK_REPLY template.

<input id="translit_button" type="button" value="Translit" onClick="translit('target_of_the_textbox_where_to_translit_the_text');">

My question is the following: what is the name of the quick reply textarea box, where I type the text? I need the name of it, so that my function can take the text from there and transliterate it.

Thanks in advance for your help!
hi, this is an old post ... but do you still need help with transliteration ?

let me know ... i managed to put indian languages in my forum ;)
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