Translating a language, how to?


Well-known member
Hey guys.

I am planning to help out on translating Xenforo to finnish (Suomi Finland) language.

How should it be started, what is the wisest and most recommended way to do it?
Which program is the easiest and handiest to use, if any?

And how to make the xml-file properly:
Create new language-parent or no parent?-export-All or Xenforo-choose or dont choose "get untranslated phrases"?
Well typically you would translate the phrases in the ACP.

You can of course copy all the existing phrases from the master xml file (don't edit it however) but I would recommend using a program such as Notepad++ rather than Word.

I haven't actually done a translation myself so it may be that there are certain methods which can be employed to make it easier/quicker.
Hopefully someone who has experience of translating will provide some input.
Notepad++ installed, xml file loaded, I guess I should start translating the last yellow part

<![CDATA[1 more message]]></phrase> to something like <![CDATA[1 viesti lisää]]></phrase>

right guys?

Tell me now please, not after one week of translating :)
Sorry, i found about the install add-on menu´s cosmetic bug (in beta6) right after i posted, deleted my message but Alluidh was ultrafast to reply to my message which was here for about 2 minutes :)
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