Topic of the Month addon?


Active member
I used to have this for vBulletin. Would love to have something like it for XenForo.

I run a collecting community where members show off their collections regularly in a specific forum. In the first post of every topic in that selected forum there'd be a "Nominate" button for other users to click if they wished to nominate that topic for topic of the month. Each month, the addon would create a closed poll topic and each topic nominated within that current month would show up in the poll with the amount of nominations. At the end of the month, the topic with the most nominations would be determined topic of the month.

I could see this done a little more efficiently maybe with it's own separate page instead of a poll topic showing nominations and past winners and such but however it could be made, it'd be a welcome new addon for XenForo I'm sure, definitely for my community.

Here is the description from the vBulletin version.

What this mod does

It adds a "Topic Of The Week/Month" nomination system to your community.

What is Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic of the Week/Month is a contest that select posts on which your community can commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/month. Any listed topic (post, thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Week/Month selection.

What determines a Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic Of The Week/Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post.

The five topics with the most votes during the course of the week/month are automatically displayed on a nomination thread including a poll feature. At the end of the week/month, the first three topics with the most votes are the award winners of the contest.

  1. Uses AJAX technology.
  2. Uses one query per show thread page
  3. Fully phrased to allow (language translation) (addition v 1.3)
  4. Places an easy to use "Nominate Post" button next to the edit button
  5. Automatically create a nomination thread for discussions on nominees
  6. Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
  7. Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
  8. Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations or nominees made by a user (addition v 1.35)
  9. Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user’s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2) or to remove all current nominations on a given user (addition v 1.35)
  10. Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
  11. Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
  12. Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
  13. Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
  14. Automatically closes the nomination thread at end of the contest cycle time (weekly/monthly)
  15. Quick link to nomination thread via the "Quick Navigation" menu
  16. Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu (addition v.1.1)
  17. Automatically update the nomination poll whenever a post is nominated or withdraw from the contest.
  18. Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
  19. Places all post nominees in one small box
  20. Displays award winners in one small box
  21. Quick link to nomination thread via the "small box" on the thread page
  22. Option to allow award winners to re-enter the contest after X days
  23. Users cannot nominate the same post twice
  24. Option to not allow users to nominate their own post
  25. Counts nominees submitted by a user
  26. Counts how many times a nominee is submitted
  27. Shows how many nominees a user submitted in every post of his
  28. Shows info in member's profile
  29. Option to search for posts nominated by a user
  30. Option to search for all nominated posts
  31. Administrator can withdraw all nominees of a single post
  32. Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post (addition v 1.10)
  33. Users can withdraw their own nominee
  34. Option to disable the mod on selected forums
  35. Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread
  36. Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
  37. Option to enable/disable view of nomination date on specific or all forums
  38. Option to add to post count when someone nominate a post.
  39. Option to give reputation points to the user whose post is nominated.
  40. Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
  41. Option to ban selected users from using the mod
  42. Option to display user’s nomination statistics on postbit (addition v 1.10)
  43. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users (addition v 1.10)
  44. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
  45. Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
  46. Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered (addition v 1.35)
  47. Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time cumulated (addition v 1.3)
  48. Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
  49. Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
  50. Option for archiving nominations in the "Nomination Thread" automatically whenever a user nominate a post. (addition v 1.35)
  51. Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  52. Option to automatically add points to award winners’ reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  53. If the current “Nomination Thread” is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.
  54. Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
  55. Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
  56. Option to close current nomination thread and create a new one directly from the ACP
If you wanted to gage interest, you could use Brogans featured threads add-on and pick out the first number of them yourself. Not exactly the same thing, but not bad because you can decide which are interesting based on views, etc.
If you wanted to gage interest, you could use Brogans featured threads add-on and pick out the first number of them yourself. Not exactly the same thing, but not bad because you can decide which are interesting based on views, etc.

I've looked at that one, and debating on using it in some form. In the most simplest way, a feature to determine the most liked topics in a months time span narrowed down to the forum they're posted in would also work.
I've looked at that one, and debating on using it in some form. In the most simplest way, a feature to determine the most liked topics in a months time span narrowed down to the forum they're posted in would also work.
Any update on this? What system are you using at the moment?
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