Top Posters of the Month (TPM2) [Deleted]

This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
Hi Au Lait, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything will solve well for you and I wish you all the best things.
Always thanks for your addons shared with the other users for free to help the other people. You are a great and this is always really appreciated. Keep strong my friend and proceed forward. ;)
Some one know if is it possibile to set the add-in to show the top poster of the day or of the week by changing the number of the days to calculate?
@au lait is there a way to stop a specific user from showing up in the list? I have a news bot that would constantly be at the top of the posting list in the number 1 spot, I'd rather disable that account from showing up in the list? is this something possible?
Put that user in a special group and then exclude that group in the addon options under "Usergroups exclude from Count".
@au lait @djbaxter I know this was last discussed 2 years ago, but I've just had a play and I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out.. :)

Currently limited to 5 users, but wouldn't be too difficult to insert a second row if needed to extend.

I do apologise, the thread title is similar to Media of The month contest. @DaveL , the addon works great without any issues on my xf2.2 site. So feel free to use it. Any mod can delete my previous post. Haven't read properly the addon title 😊
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