[Tinhte] HTML5 Uploader (Unmaintained)

[Tinhte] HTML5 Uploader (Unmaintained) 1.0.3

No permission to download
So there was recently another vulnerability in flash, prompting xf 1.4.1 security release. Is there a way for those using this awesome html5 uploader to fully remove the flash components from XF? Or is it as easy as just removing the swfupload directory?
Nerver want to touch to the core :)
@Dinh Thanh Is this something you can reproduce as well? I have checked with four different devices + the simulation in Safari on Mac OS X. Would be good to know if it's fixable or not. Thanks

Both scenarios are easily reproducible by changing the user-agent to IOS Safari(tested with Safari on Mac Os X 10.9.4)
The problems seems to be the positioning of the upload button div:
<div id="html5_191qcfiigvuc3admvah5pp2m3_container" class="moxie-shim moxie-shim-html5" style="position: absolute; width: 113px; height: 32px; overflow: hidden; top: 0px; left: 0px;"><input id="html5_191qcfiigvuc3admvah5pp2m3" type="file" style="font-size: 999px; opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 594px; width: 100%; height: 100%;" accept=""></div>

For some reason the left position has been changed to 594px after an upload, changing it to 0, realigns it properly.
I noticed it's being set during initialization:

$container.find('.moxie-shim-html5').css('top', '0').css('left', '0');

But something(probably the progress bar code?) is changing it back to 594px.
It seems calling uploader.refresh() has solved it for a number of people. I guess either after an upload has finished or what they've done here, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7926566/plupload-positioning-problems-in-chrome, as a mouseover on the upload button.
So there was recently another vulnerability in flash, prompting xf 1.4.1 security release. Is there a way for those using this awesome html5 uploader to fully remove the flash components from XF? Or is it as easy as just removing the swfupload directory?

Use a directory section or rewrite rule to block access to the swf file. Don't change the core.
Both scenarios are easily reproducible by changing the user-agent to IOS Safari(tested with Safari on Mac Os X 10.9.4)
The problems seems to be the positioning of the upload button div:
<div id="html5_191qcfiigvuc3admvah5pp2m3_container" class="moxie-shim moxie-shim-html5" style="position: absolute; width: 113px; height: 32px; overflow: hidden; top: 0px; left: 0px;"><input id="html5_191qcfiigvuc3admvah5pp2m3" type="file" style="font-size: 999px; opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 594px; width: 100%; height: 100%;" accept=""></div>

For some reason the left position has been changed to 594px after an upload, changing it to 0, realigns it properly.
I noticed it's being set during initialization:

$container.find('.moxie-shim-html5').css('top', '0').css('left', '0');

But something(probably the progress bar code?) is changing it back to 594px.
It seems calling uploader.refresh() has solved it for a number of people. I guess either after an upload has finished or what they've done here, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7926566/plupload-positioning-problems-in-chrome, as a mouseover on the upload button.
I can't reproduce this. Changed User Agent in Safari 7.0.6, Mac OS X 10.9.4. Can you describe the step by step?
I can't reproduce this. Changed User Agent in Safari 7.0.6, Mac OS X 10.9.4. Can you describe the step by step?


  1. In a new post select "upload a file"
  2. After upload finished. Try selecting "upload a file" again. This do not work
  3. Press instead "More Options" and the select "upload a file". Now upload works again.
  4. After upload once again try selecting "upload a file". Do not work
  5. Press "Preview" and the "upload a file". Now upload works

Seems like the upload option are "refreshed" each time you change the screen.
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Uploading a file that exceed the maximum file size, will not notify the user the exact error but only.
This causes a bug in IE11 where it increases the page width
Thanks for this much-needed add-on.

I have this installed on my 1.4.2 test board.

Possible bug:
On my iPhone 5, I selected multiple files that exceeded max file size, I did receive the max file size error, but when I tried to push upload file button again, nothing happened. I can no longer select files. I was able to repeat this issue.
Thanks for this much-needed add-on.

I have this installed on my 1.4.2 test board.

Possible bug:
On my iPhone 5, I selected multiple files that exceeded max file size, I did receive the max file size error, but when I tried to push upload file button again, nothing happened. I can no longer select files. I was able to repeat this issue.

Same as this problems perhaps?


  1. In a new post select "upload a file"
  2. After upload finished. Try selecting "upload a file" again. This do not work
  3. Press instead "More Options" and the select "upload a file". Now upload works again.
  4. After upload once again try selecting "upload a file". Do not work
  5. Press "Preview" and the "upload a file". Now upload works

Seems like the upload option are "refreshed" each time you change the screen.
IE11 cause lóts off bugs for my styles. I hate IE.

thank you, i thought i was the only one. i have been looking for hours through all my coding, wondering on where i went wrong to cause the mass space on the right side of my style using IE11. after checking that all was fine coding wise, i started on the addons. and because the space appears on the right side of thread pages only, i figured it had to be an addon which effects threads/posts pages, and this addon was my first guess. thank god disabling this fixed my issue!

added screenshot. notice bottom scroll bar.
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