Lack of interest Time Zones for guests

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Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but currently all guests just see the default guest time zone.

I would like either:

  • Guests can set a time zone or
  • The time zone automatically changes to the guest's own time (based on IP)
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I am not sure how a guest would be able to set their timezone. Having Xenforo get their timezone from their IP would be interesting.
While on the surface this sounds good, there are many places in the US (and I would think the world) where the timezone isn't really able to be established by IP address. It would be a best guess situation.

How is it possible for a basketball to be tossed into the air, and not come down until an hour later, with no tricks involved?

Answer here:

There are many other places this happens too.
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