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Thread Rating System / Reputation system


New member
This come on the heals of my IP/Resolve request. I have received quite a few "liked my thread" notifications. However I am not sure what purpose that shows other than to let me know someone liked the thread.

It does not give me reputation in the community, most importantly it does not serve any function for the thread to let anyone know how popular the idea is....

If I am sitting down to build an add on and want to build one that most people want or like, I have no way of knowing what is popular other than the number of replies to a thread... Which could just be discussion between two people showing in the number of replies.
The Likes system replaces the reputation system in XenForo. When clicking Like, it likes your posts (not your thread). When the likes add up, you receive 'trophy points', much the same as reputation points. Your trophy points show in both your profile and on your member card.

As for building an add-on, just look through the suggestions. the more likes it has, the better. That means the suggestion is popular and people really want it.
Ahh ok I now see the like showing under the first post Travis! There should also be some sort of rating system in the thread list, not just in the thread so it can be sorted and seen.
Ahh ok I now see the like showing under the first post Travis! There should also be some sort of rating system in the thread list, not just in the thread so it can be sorted and seen.
Threads can't be liked, only posts can be liked.
So there is no way to generate the ratings.
Threads can't be liked, only posts can be liked.
So there is no way to generate the ratings.
I said nothing about a thread being liked. I said Thread RATING. Read back to your self what you quotes of mine. I know you have been on forums with a rating system before. You know.. the little stars. Come on.. Work with me here.
Yep, this is needed :)
Likes are great but don't provide any info about a thread "quality score". You can't count them relatively to thread views (scores would be very low) and, to be honest, it's not very much visible.
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