Third Party Facebook Forums App

It's got to be a scam... there is no way to remove it. I think we should report it.

When you ad the app you usually have a way to remove it from your account. This app doesn't have a link to do so. Makes it even more suspicious.
Scam or not, it has great potential.

I am creating a few forums just in case. (you can generate great traffic)
I also felt that it was suspicious. Not falling for it.

But I wouldn't report it, I would instead let vbulletin SEE this. ;)
Generate great traffic... By losing traffic and content on your site?

by posting part of the content and linking back to my site.

1. I post a new thread (part of product review...)
2. FB user browses the forum, reads the post/thread and clicks link to my site so he/she can read the full review.
3. Traffic

Now, If I linked from MY site to the FB forum, then I would LOSE traffic and content.
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