The Ventroom

You've got a typo in your banner: "let of some steam and meet other people around the world". It should be "let off some steam and meet other people from around the world". The bold bits are the corrections.

It's a great banner otherwise.
You've got a typo in your banner: "let of some steam and meet other people around the world". It should be "let off some steam and meet other people from around the world". The bold bits are the corrections.

It's a great banner otherwise.
I fixed the off - but it is also okay to say " meet other people around the world".
I fixed the off - but it is also okay to say " meet other people around the world".
Yeah, I guess you're right. Seemed to read better with the from there, but it's really just a style issue now I think about it. Great banner.

btw, I still see "of", even when I switch browsers, so perhaps there's some caching issue somewhere?
but how can I stop this happening with the header - as it looks okay on my side ?
The problem with your header is that your logo is sitting on top of a background cover and depending on what device is being used to view your site, what browser is being used and at what resolution will determine how it looks. This is currently how I see it:


I'm viewing this using a mac mini m2 pro, using chrome on a 27" 4K monitor. As I pointed out earlier it would be better if your grumpy men could be incorporated into your logo. It would probably be wise to have different logos for different break points using @ media commands in your extra.less file to state which logo is used at what break points. It's more work, but cosmetically it will keep your logo sweet and on point on different devices. I can't speak for browsers as I only use Chrome; just a personal preference thing lol.
The problem with your header is that your logo is sitting on top of a background cover and depending on what device is being used to view your site, what browser is being used and at what resolution will determine how it looks. This is currently how I see it:

View attachment 289485

I'm viewing this using a mac mini m2 pro, using chrome on a 27" 4K monitor. As I pointed out earlier it would be better if your grumpy men could be incorporated into your logo. It would probably be wise to have different logos for different break points using @ media commands in your extra.less file to state which logo is used at what break points. It's more work, but cosmetically it will keep your logo sweet and on point on different devices. I can't speak for browsers as I only use Chrome; just a personal preference thing lol.
Thank you- I will look into this- and that isn't the logo which is showing right now - changed that ages ago ! strange !!!
I am viewing with chrome.

I was having a look at this and I saw that - if I kept the header that size for the logo - I would have to change the page set up ( Maximum page width 1500 ) would this be right ? or could I do this another way ?
I'm surmising that you're using the default theme, which means that your main body can be page width X pixels, but the header is 100% device width, so that will change dynamically depending on the device. I would wholeheartedly recommend getting a custom theme from PixelExit (see @Russ for further info) which uses a fixed width throughout; it will save you a lot of extra work changing CSS settings. I would then make your header the 1500px wide incorporating the old men; it will change size dynamically, but when it gets to really small screens (such as on mobiles) you might want to make some new header graphics and apply them using the @ media commands.

Not sure what browser you're using but if it's Chrome go to the browser console and near the top left there is a little button that allows you see what your site looks like in different screen widths, which will give you some idea as to what size your header images would be to look good.


It can be a bit trial and error, but the end results are worth the effort. I'm using a PixelExit theme on two of my sites in my signature, the rock site and movie site. This theme called Bolt offers both light and dark in the same package - well worth it. Good luck and I hope you get to where you need to be soon.
I would honestly say that is 100% better than previously. Well done, you've picked a good theme by a top-notch author, and you've given it your own stamp to significant effect. Hope you do well with the site and get loads of traction.

thumbup3.webphot 2.webp
Now it's much nicer.
A curiosity... did you make the images of the characters you use in your forum?
Then activate the "Mirror attachments from forums" so all the photos attached in the treads/posts will go in the gallery.
Now it's much nicer.
A curiosity... did you make the images of the characters you use in your forum?
Then activate the "Mirror attachments from forums" so all the photos attached in the treads/posts will go in the gallery.
Where can I find this to activate ?
@Cashisking this post

I had a look at that link- but not too sure what to do.
Plus, do you mean that when a member posts a picture, it goes straight into the media gallery on the front page ?
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