The Original OG's of Xenforo

I slithered in here Oct. 10, so way beyond the July sell-by date. #2894. Honestly I can't even remember how I first heard of XenForo, but I was very pleasantly surprised to hear of its existence, although I was a bit wary until I learned who the developers were (and of course, still are). I then won a license for XF via another forum shortly after; that one's now dormant (until I activate plans for it), but the additional licenses I've been running since 2012 have served us very well.

It's also interesting seeing a few very familiar names from the old days of vB. In fact, I would think @eva2000 is very glad to never hear from me again, as I was continually posting to get help tweaking our database and server configurations. (I was RedWingFan over at
It's also interesting seeing a few very familiar names from the old days of vB. In fact, I would think @eva2000 is very glad to never hear from me again, as I was continually posting to get help tweaking our database and server configurations. (I was RedWingFan over at

ah the name rings a bell :)
ah the name rings a bell :)
I figured it would. 😁

We really struggled with vB on a busy forum back then, and I had 3.7 so heavily modified for performance issues that I didn't even want to think about trying to attempt all those modifications again with 3.8. I felt like I was contacting you at several times a year to try to string more performance out of our server. (We even needed two servers for a while!)

Not surprisingly, when we switched to XF back in 2012, our server loads dropped in half and everything was so much more responsive for our visitors. I've probably made fewer tweaks to the server in the past eight years than I did over the course of six months with vB. In fact, I think we've only had one server hardware upgrade since that time, and even with our modest server configuration today (running on a single dedicated server), we are getting nearly 3,000 visitors online during peak hours and page loading times are still very snappy. It feels like any page in the forum is now loaded up in my browser within half a second. We did have a hiccup running out of Apache connections recently, but we bumped that up recently and we're still running with server loads below half capacity during peak hours.
@Brogan, the Ruthless Non-licensed Slayer, Guardian of XF Pre-sales, Master of Thread-locks in action:

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