The new "New" icon

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
Just noticed the new "New" icon in posts.

I have to say it's a huge improvement on the old one <thumbsup>

How does it fit within the overall width of the site though?
Quite curious to see how it works as it sort of "wraps" around the edge.

It looks really good though.
TBH I prefer this simple design. It just looks much cleaner.


agree, this is much nicer, especially that XF is using speech-bubbles at many other places.
This wrapper-stuff makes it childish somehow, maybe great for the WaltDisneyForum, but not for a Business-Forum.
I prefer a sharp angled wraparound effect. The curved wraparound is a bit hard to "see", so it looks very weird at times. What I've come up with:

Yes, this is indeed better. I also like the font you use much better then the one XF is using for [new]. Looks more professional what you have come up with.
Good heavens, that looks awful, why on earth do you have your fonts render like that? It's 2010 here, not 1985...

:). See my earlier explanation here:

I know it's 2010. Unfortunately still in 2010 I am confronted with a health issue that makes it hard for me to read anti-aliased fonts. At least on WinXP. I believe Vista/Win7 provides a better way in this, but I am not sure. I will report back when I receive my Win7 PC next year...
It really depends upon your display and what you are used to. When I first moved to Mac from Windows, I hated Mac font rendering when compared to Windows' ClearType.

It took me a couple of weeks before my eyes adjusted, and now it's ClearType that looks bad to me.

If you have an LCD display, turn on ClearType and stick with it for a few days. You will soon come to rely upon it I'm sure.
I don't quite understand Grover, your first impression was that the font looked so much better and easier to read. But that you can't read it because of health issues.

Due to my own issues with my eyes, I can barely read non anti aliases fonts. ClearType was like putting on glasses for me. Moving to the Mac, like getting eye sight back.

Going back to my dads system on windows on crt monitors, without cleartype, I get a headache after 10 minutes, because i have to concentrate and stare.

I don't quite understand your health issues, so not telling you what you should do. But I do recommend going to an apple store and telling them you're going to play with blogs and forum threads for a while behind an 21 imac and 24" lcd monitor, to see how it perhaps helps you.
If you have an LCD display, turn on ClearType and stick with it for a few days. You will soon come to rely upon it I'm sure.

I just tried to use MS ClearType Tuner PowerToy to see if that would help on my XP system here at my workplace. Unfortunately... with every option I try it keeps making the text blurred to me on this XP system (with a great Dell 2209WAf monitor). The same at my home where I tried this tool a few years back on my XP powered system... and since then I never touched Cleartype on XP again. It just doesn't work for me. I am curious how it will be on Win7. Recently I browsed the internet on my girlfriends Vista laptop and there it actually did look good to me...
agree, this is much nicer, especially that XF is using speech-bubbles at many other places.
This wrapper-stuff makes it childish somehow, maybe great for the WaltDisneyForum, but not for a Business-Forum.

>implying speech bubbles aren't childish

I wish there was good anti-aliasing in Windows!

If you dislike ClearType, give the latest Firefox 4 beta a try, along with DirectWrite (Mac-style font rendering) enabled.
I don't quite understand Grover, your first impression was that the font looked so much better and easier to read. But that you can't read it because of health issues.

I never said the last part (that it is easier to read). I said it (the [new]-icon) looked better. Now I understand it is because of anti-aliasing.

Due to my own issues with my eyes, I can barely read non anti aliases fonts. ClearType was like putting on glasses for me. Moving to the Mac, like getting eye sight back.

Going back to my dads system on windows on crt monitors, without cleartype, I get a headache after 10 minutes, because i have to concentrate and stare.

I don't quite understand your health issues, so not telling you what you should do. But I do recommend going to an apple store and telling them you're going to play with blogs and forum threads for a while behind an 21 imac and 24" lcd monitor, to see how it perhaps helps you.

Thanks for your advice. I have a health condition which causes so-called 'Fixation disparity' with my eyesight... resulting in me seeing blurry text by default. Putting on Cleartype makes the text even more blurry for me, at least on XP machines. A pity I can not compare OSX to Windows right next to each other now, so I could see the difference.
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