The licensed XenForo Forum software will let me install Arabic language?

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I really saw that YAHOO! MAKTOOB forums are displayed(viewed) completely in Arabic language. Thus, although I don't know what forum software YAHOO! MAKTOOB forums are using, I am wondering whether the licensed XenForo Forum software can be displayed in Arabic or not. If I will need to download add-ons to achieve this, then they will be downloaded for free?

Also, I will still have the interface of XenForo in English after installing Arabic. As a result, I will have Xenforo forum software with two languages.(I.e. I will have my forum displayed in two languages, of which one category will be in English and another one will be in Arabic)

Here a screen shot of the YAHOO! MAKTOOB forums:
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That question has already been answered (numerous times) on your other thread.

Once you purchase a license you can download and install the language pack:

Thanks a lot,
Yes, but could you please confirm this for me:
If I will need to download and install the language pack, then they will be downloaded for free?

Also, I will still have the interface of XenForo in English after installing Arabic. As a result, I will have Xenforo forum software with two languages.(I.e. I will have my forum displayed in two languages, if I want, of which one category will be in English Forum and the other one will be in Arabic Forum). Also, if I want to extend my forum to support other languages, I will only need to install the languages needed. Such as: YAHOO! MAKTOOB FORUMS IN THAT SCREEN SHOT HAVE TWO LANGUAGES
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Thanks a lot,
The Arabic language will be grammatically checked? I.e. well-educated persons have been updating the Arabic language pack or just any Arabic?
Those language packs are supported by end users and not directly by XenForo, so there is no guarantee that they are grammatically correct. To be assured of that, you would need to review the language file yourself and make any modifications.
Thank all of you very much indeed,

I really noticed something else which is XenForo software will be installed on a domain name ending with any extensions, .com, .net, and so on.

Although both forums are powered by Xenforo software, I really noticed the first one ends with '.net', and contains 'www.'

However, Android Forums doesn't contain 'www.' and ends with '.com'

Could you enlighten me why? I know that I can be building a website with a domain name ending with '.net, '.com', and so one. However, Can I control in letting '.www'added

Also, both the above sites are shown with 'Http://' in the beginning on MS Internet explore address bar, however, on Firefox bar, the 'Http://' is not shown, although it is there(but it is hidden since when copy and paste the link then I see 'http:/' is there.)

Moreover, I noticed that
Thus, if the same website was configured to support a forum in English, then it can be :
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The questions you are asking are not specific to XenForo and would better addressed at an administrators forum ( or are two off the top of my head).
In a nutshell, the forum admin can decide to serve the site with or without the www in it (in effect, stripping it even when input and remapping to the site without it). The mechanics of it would (again) be better discussed in the appropriate admin forum for generic questions.
The COM/NET/ZONE/ORG, etc are just TLD's that you can register... again, better discussed in a generic admin forum.

As for the site you give... that doesn't appear to be a forum but a script of another type (looks like WordPress).
First of all, I have added these URLs to only let you understand my questions below

As long as my forum will be similar to these ones listed above, I am still asking myself these questions:(could you please answer my questions here and don't redirect me to another forum.

First: will my forum get fans or visitors?

Second: I, myself, who configure and setup the forum, thus I don't know if this configuration will satisfy the visitors or not.

Third: if you kindly visit this site '', you will see that this forum looks as though it is closed, and I think the forum is being closed since it wasn't successful. Thus, I am afraid that my forum will be like that one.

Finally: if my forum was famous, then it will needs another admins all over the world, then they maybe don't agree with me with the configuration of forum.
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