The evolution of CTA Featured Threads & Portal. What's next?

Another suggestion, is it possible to create 'lists' or 'categories'? You can then assign which category the thread/rm goes into.

Another one, possible to feature POSTS, rather than just threads? That would be awesome.
The page is as permanent as the site owner wishes to make it.

If it doesn't already exist then an archive of featured threads would be absolutely necessary (unless the system can handle adding new threads without ever removing them).
If it doesn't already exist then an archive of featured threads would be absolutely necessary (unless the system can handle adding new threads without ever removing them).
That is indeed the case. When you feature a thread, you can specify the duration including permanent featuring.
if you add a new article to your portal a day, the portal will have over 700 articles in it after 2 years.
CTA will be good with 700 articles ? is a good portal.
- is paginated.
- has categories (
- very Wordpress like.
If your intention is to try and troll this thread, it will fail.
Let's just say this add-on respects permissions, not all do.

This thread is for existing and future prospective customers, of which you are neither.
It sounds as if some of you want a CMS, not a portal.

Was that to me?

I want a news portal but one that presents all the news in a certain forum (plus anything else that's featured). That news shouldn't disappear from the portal page though so either it'd need to be able to handle having a lot of entries/pages or have some kind of archive.

That is indeed the case. When you feature a thread, you can specify the duration including permanent featuring.

I got the impression earlier that there may be limits when running to thousands of permanently featured threads. If not then that's great. Performance-wise I think for example XenPorta only cache the first page so something along those lines would work.
If you have several thousand threads featured, running to many hundreds of pages, a delay of 1-2 seconds may be present.
That is unavoidable due to the permission checks which take place.

Consider that the content is being pulled from every forum on the site, with all of the different permission sets related to all of the different user groups.

As far as I am aware, xenporta does not respect permissions, meaning threads from private forums, etc. can be seen by those with no permission to do so.
Hence why there is a performance difference.

Of course I could always remove the permission checks to make it just as fast...
As far as I am aware, xenporta does not respect permissions, meaning threads from private forums, etc. can be seen by those with no permission to do so.
You are correct in this. It was one of the many frustrations I had with XenPorta when I used it, I couldn't highlight things on the portal page for members only as everyone could then see it. Now whilst some may say this is not an issue and they are always careful about what they promote to the portal page, on my site I let full members who are active promote their own threads if they wish to. Having the permission checks means I don't have to worry about anything being promoted from our private forums suddenly being visible to the whole world.

Of course I could always remove the permission checks to make it just as fast...
Please no!
If you have several thousand threads featured, running to many hundreds of pages, a delay of 1-2 seconds may be present.
That is unavoidable due to the permission checks which take place.

Consider that the content is being pulled from every forum on the site, with all of the different permission sets related to all of the different user groups.

As far as I am aware, xenporta does not respect permissions, meaning threads from private forums, etc. can be seen by those with no permission to do so.
Hence why there is a performance difference.

Of course I could always remove the permission checks to make it just as fast...

I'm fairly sure xenporta respects permissions...

We only feed a public forum to it so never needed to test it but I'm sure other people have commented on it in the past.
If you have several thousand threads featured, running to many hundreds of pages, a delay of 1-2 seconds may be present.
That is unavoidable due to the permission checks which take place.

Wouldn't some kind of archive system be a solution instead? I'd say it pretty important (vital) to keep a history of promoted content for SEO, etc.

Also how does it currently work when Google indexes the portal page but then content drops off it?
As per my post above, it doesn't respect permissions, I know from experience.

Fair enough.

If possible then some kind of option would maybe be preferable?

For us, performance far outweighs the need to check permissions as we have a very busy site with the portal just displaying public forums.
Wouldn't some kind of archive system be a solution instead?
An archive/history page has been suggested and it is one of the things on my shortlist.
That way the home/portal page can be limited to fewer threads and act more like a true portal.

It would still respect permissions though so the same applies.

Edit: Thanks for confirming @Martok (having never used it).
For us, performance far outweighs the need to check permissions as we have a very busy site with the portal just displaying public forums.
You would need to hack the code then to remove the permission checks.
I'm not prepared to code something incorrectly.

The core code would never do that and neither should any third party add-on.

Or, limit the portal page to less than x hundred/thousand threads.
Personally, I see little point in a landing page with several hundred paginated pages with links to threads from 10 years ago. I doubt anyone ever looks through them.
An archive/history page has been suggested and it is one of the things on my shortlist.
That way the home/portal page can be limited to fewer threads and act more like a true portal.

It would still respect permissions though so the same applies.

Edit: Thanks for confirming @Martok (having never used it).

That would be ideal, assuming the performance of the landing page wasn't affected by how many threads were in the archive.

We might have 10,000 users hammering our landing page where 100 threads were displayed (5x20 pages or whatever) but then I expect we'd rarely get a significant number of users hitting the archive (which would contain many thousands of threads).

Does that sound like something you think would work? I assume it's just the archive would have it's own query independent from the portal and that'd be it?
I doubt anyone ever looks through them.

I agree no one is likely to go to page 100 and start reading but google indexes them and that might be the page that brings that person to our site in the first place. In terms of SEO I'd say it's vital.
The way the schema has been written, if an archive page was ever added, any thread which has ever been featured will automatically be listed there.

However, be aware that the original thread title and content would be used, rather than the featured title and content, as once a thread is unfeatured, the data is removed from the featured table.
I doubt this is an issue for most, if not all, as in the vast majority of cases the content will be the same, with just small changes made to improve the layout of the featured thread, etc.
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