[TH] Topics [Deleted]

I would say the issue experienced when using the batch tool would be a bug but I'll go ahead and report it on our issue tracker so that it is recorded. What is the error that you experience exactly?

I've went ahead and reported this on our issue tracker! :) We'll take a closer look into it.
Sorry, I've since uninstalled it, since it doesn't seem to be something I can get much practical benefit out of within my current setup, which uses a lot of prefixes, on top of the errors. I can't recall what the exact error was or if there were any actual errors logged in the admin (don't recall any), but the message was pretty much what I said already, along the lines of, "Oops, you have to choose a topic...." when trying to create a thread.
Sorry, I've since uninstalled it, since it doesn't seem to be something I can get much practical benefit out of within my current setup, which uses a lot of prefixes, on top of the errors. I can't recall what the exact error was or if there were any actual errors logged in the admin (don't recall any), but the message was pretty much what I said already, along the lines of, "Oops, you have to choose a topic...." when trying to create a thread.
Alright, I'm gonna do some further testing then too see if I can experience this error myself then. Thanks for reporting it ;)
ThemeHouse updated [TH] Topics with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.2 released

  • Renamed topics filter algorithm to be more user-friendly
  • Added option to enable/disable topic filtering on certain pages
  • Added option to enable/disable All Threads and New Threads
  • Add option enable/disable node topics system

Bugs fixed:
  • Error experienced when clicking the 2nd or 3rd page in a sub-forum
  • Remove missing forums in all threads query instead of removing after
  • Error: Call to undefined method...

Read the rest of this update entry...
From what I've seen on demos while this can be quite cool to improve the front interface of the forum directly towards its content while still retaining organization...

It seems that after you click a topic to show the it is saving that option and it's very easy to miss you'll get filtered content from now then.

Can that be disabled by default? So that when browsing past the results the forum it clears the filter, it would make more sense to have an optional thing for the user to select a default of "Only show content from these topics" or something like that.

It's rather unfriendly as is, clicking to check a topic and it'll filter site content to only show content from that topic from then on until you clean the filter again.

Reason why I hold off from buying this addon, I like it but the default filtering is constantly changing and saving the filters instead of using a clear default or a user-set one, it should not be using the basic navigation of topics to save it.
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@mauzao9 Thanks for the feedback.

I think we will probably end up going down the same route as the filters on the New posts page, which is to give the user the option whether to save or not:

Because the filters could be applied on multiple pages though, the option might have to work slightly differently to that though, so this is something that we need to work. I would certainly welcome your input on that.
If this was automatic by keyword search/filter I would buy it in the future. It's kind of like a thread filtering add-on I've seen shown on xenforo.com except that one was automatic so it would be much more difficult to add the topic keywords in for older threads and though some users may take it up to do this on their own it is not guaranteed that they will.

It's a great idea and at first glance I was thinking about trying to get some money to buy it but I realized it wouldn't be easy as it's a manual process. If you added this feature it would not only compete with the thread filtering add-on but would be extremely useful.

You could even have a topic by keyword watch list segregated by node where it would scan for the keyword watch words and it would need some capability to be able to tell if the keyword was prominent enough in the thread to be labled a topic. However if it was, a topic label would be created for it.

Some ideas. I'm not exactly sure how difficult it would be to create the ability to read keywords to know how important they are within a given thread. May require some type of algorithm that could read importance in the first post. Possibly even using the title combined with the first post to get that read. I actually think that's a good idea. I believe this wouldn't be extremely difficult to do if you took that option using the first post combined with the title and keywords. Between both might take some effort but its definitely possible. Let me know if you like my idea. If not it's quite alright but just trying to shoot some ideas :D
From what I've seen on demos while this can be quite cool to improve the front interface of the forum directly towards its content while still retaining organization...

It seems that after you click a topic to show the it is saving that option and it's very easy to miss you'll get filtered content from now then.

Can that be disabled by default? So that when browsing past the results the forum it clears the filter, it would make more sense to have an optional thing for the user to select a default of "Only show content from these topics" or something like that.

It's rather unfriendly as is, clicking to check a topic and it'll filter site content to only show content from that topic from then on until you clean the filter again.

Reason why I hold off from buying this addon, I like it but the default filtering is constantly changing and saving the filters instead of using a clear default or a user-set one, it should not be using the basic navigation of topics to save it.
Well, it was supposed to be a feature. Like if there were topics you wanted to view, clicking into one would save that filter so you can bounce back around without having to constantly reset your preference.

The latter is what you say, it just resets each time. So you have to resetup your filters. We could do a save filters concept but man thats just extra UX fluff no?
Well, it was supposed to be a feature. Like if there were topics you wanted to view, clicking into one would save that filter so you can bounce back around without having to constantly reset your preference.

The latter is what you say, it just resets each time. So you have to reset your filters. We could do a save filters concept but man thats just extra UX fluff no?
But it does reset my preference, every time I click on a topic it will save that topic, then another, then another, it's just adding extra steps to navigate the forum every time you want to see more content.

The addon is literal "So you want to see content from Topic Y? Okay, let me default your entire content filter to that from now on." This is how my experience is when I want the homepage being the topic list or all threads feed + filter sidebar.

By default, I want to see all content but I still want to check out a specific topic like on normal forum-to-forum navigation, this is where this addon gets in the middle if you don't keep the forum nodes as the default forum view, and this is why it should not be saving preference per topic click and only should with a specific option to act as default topics to show instead of adding the constant step of resetting the filter.
I will ask if we can get this as a setting. Would that help? Would it be a setting per user or global? I feel like some users might prefer it depending especially on your niche. You theoretically save clicks with some niche sites. I had guessed more than half when we discussed this internally.
I will ask if we can get this as a setting. Would that help? Would it be a setting per user or global? I feel like some users might prefer it depending especially on your niche. You theoretically save clicks with some niche sites. I had guessed more than half when we discussed this internally.
What I was looking at is by default being able to not have it save the filters and just show all content and users from there can just select the filters and do some sort of Save. It's just that thing to make it user-friendly as the feature the user has to save the topics it wants to see from without mixing it up with navigation. :)
@Mike Creuzer We are about to launch a new site using TH Topics. I'd probably like to completely hide the forum list, however there are some UI issues that concern me about doing that, especially the larger the topics list grows - our new site has about 40 topics currently. (Down the line we are likely to end up with 100 or even 200 topics).

1. The "Topics List" page UI needs work. This whole section should look more like UIX.2's forum grid design, just with topics. Firstly, some of the spacing of the text just doesn't look right to me, especially when you allow the latest thread/message to show for a given topic. Secondly, the search function does not include sub-topics when I think it would be more intuitive that it would. Next, there should be a way to display the subtopics within the parent topics box, much like subforums can be displayed under its parent forum in forum list. The subtopics are just too hard to get to, and many users will miss that it's even there. Basically, we need to make the topics list page look as familiar as possible to users who are used to the forum paradigm. This is especially important for mobile users as the horizontal topics widget on mobile (see #2 below) is not that intuitive, so many users would be confused if in mobile they land on the "All threads page", so I intend to have them land on the "Topics list" page, however the Topics List page should be more intuitive and familiar to the users.

2. The Horizontal thread topics filter on Mobile: I don't think many users will realize that you can scroll it, and for some reason I just don't think it is that intuitive to a user that to select other topics they should click on the "Show all" link means. I actually changed it to "Show all topics" but still something just doesn't feel right about how this is implemented. Ideally, there would be a short box where I can show perhaps up to 10 topics and then have "See All Topics" at the end of that. I tried using the vertical filter widget but I can't seem to find a way to only show 1 vertical version on mobile above the thread list, while maintaining the responsive behavior and not simultaneously showing both sidebar and above/below topic filter positions on desktop. I think, if you improved the "Topics List" page, as mentioned above in #1, then this would be much less of an issue, as users who are used to jumping back to the "forum list", would in this case just jump back to the "topics list" page when they want to get an overview of all the topics available.

Please let me know your thoughts.
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Does this add-on allow for node specific topics? As in certain forums that I select will display it as an available topic to choose from and filter while others will not.
Does this add-on allow for node specific topics? As in certain forums that I select will display it as an available topic to choose from and filter while others will not.
Apologies, this isn't supported currently. But we are planning on adding this within a future update.
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Just a slight bug, a component of topics appears in the outdated templates as the parent is 1.0.3 alpha so it can't be merged.
Does this add-on allow for node specific topics?
I'd second that suggestion as well. Our nodes are separated by specific projects (or rather "games") and I'd like for our users to add their suggestions / bugs depending on the area of suggestion / bug (for example UI, Interaction, other players and so on). Restricting them to nodes would help a great deal by specifying different areas (different topics) for all our categories.

Just a slight bug, a component of topics appears in the outdated templates as the parent is 1.0.3 alpha so it can't be merged.
I've got the same problem with QA Forums. Most likely because it was installed AFTER the theme. I hope a theme update will reset this template state to its correct state as I don't want to attempt a reinstall of the theme as to not lose my custom child theme settings.
Just a slight bug, a component of topics appears in the outdated templates as the parent is 1.0.3 alpha so it can't be merged.
I'd second that suggestion as well. Our nodes are separated by specific projects (or rather "games") and I'd like for our users to add their suggestions / bugs depending on the area of suggestion / bug (for example UI, Interaction, other players and so on). Restricting them to nodes would help a great deal by specifying different areas (different topics) for all our categories.

I've got the same problem with QA Forums. Most likely because it was installed AFTER the theme. I hope a theme update will reset this template state to its correct state as I don't want to attempt a reinstall of the theme as to not lose my custom child theme settings.
Did y'all be sure to upgrade like so as this will keep outdated templates like this from happening as explained in the UI.X 2 FAQ's: Software -> Add-ons -> Themes
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