[TH] Sub-Domains [Deleted]

Came up with error upon completing upgrade to 1.22

Call to undefined method XenForo_Model_User::rebuildSubDomainTotalsCounter() in /home/kcgaming/public_html/library/Waindigo/SubDomain/CronEntry/Counters.php on line 19

Error log is

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XenForo_Model_User::rebuildSubDomainTotalsCounter() - library/Waindigo/SubDomain/CronEntry/Counters.php:19
Generated By: KCGaming, 24 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(58) "http://www.kcgaming.com/install/index.php?upgrade/complete"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["upgrade/complete"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Came up with error upon completing upgrade to 1.22

Error log is
Were you upgrading from 1.2.1?

I note that it has been over a month now with this addon not working...can you advise when you are likely to get time to make this addon work as there is another more powerful one, although for a cost but with many more features, available at:

Just some indication of when this will be made to work would be great and helpful for me to plan
This add-on is self-funded at the moment, so we are not working to any particular time scale. If you are interested in purchasing a commercial license for this add-on, then this would make this add-on a higher priority.

As you have pointed out there is an alternative available. Our aim is to support the XenForo community as much as possible by building add-ons that are not available. That there is an alternative available makes this a much lower priority right now. We would probably be looking to change the direction of this add-on so that it worked in a different way to the alternative that is available so that there is a proper choice available to the XenForo community, rather than simply a choice between our pricing model and theirs. Probably we will go down the route of a much leaner system with lower overheads, but this has yet to be decided.
As you have pointed out there is an alternative available. Our aim is to support the XenForo community as much as possible by building add-ons that are not available. That there is an alternative available makes this a much lower priority right now. We would probably be looking to change the direction of this add-on so that it worked in a different way to the alternative that is available so that there is a proper choice available to the XenForo community, rather than simply a choice between our pricing model and theirs. Probably we will go down the route of a much leaner system with lower overheads, but this has yet to be decided.

I (or we) would definitely be interested in a leaner alternative - especially if everything was still customizable per domain. Basically all we need is a common user database, and having a master-slave setup feels like an unnecessary layer of complexity.
Hello, I tried this addon and it works great, exactly what I needed to my website =D

Just one question before I put it on my live site, how is it working with Xenporta? I mean is options are shared between all the subdomains or is it possible to set options per domain i.e threads selector for the RecentNewsBlocks etc...

I tried yesterday but I didn't manage to get this working good ^^
i created subdomains, removed them and deactivated the addon, now i have double and tripple entries in my user permissions..

the only way to fix that, is to activate the addon again.
i now end up, setting up my forum clean again and importing all threads and users..
I have the same lots of duplicate entries in the permissions.

Had no idea why, thanks for the report it was really annoying me and I had no idea what caused it
any idea for it, @Waindigo ?

can you tell us, which database entries to remove to force remove the addon?
i dont really like having my acp messed up and i am too lazy to export, reimport my whole forum :D

@Waindigo , how bout Resource database syncing across multiple sites?

It would have to be its own add on but would be a great tool!
Is it possible to have a sub-domain "m.domain.com" with a custom style on it(mobile style hopefully).
Is it possible to have a sub-domain "m.domain.com" with a custom style on it(mobile style hopefully).

When you are logged in on your sub-domain, go to:
Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Appearance
and change the default style.

You may not wish to have all the options for all sub-domains having their own permissions etc. If you would like these to be made optional, please drop me a PM to discuss contributing as this should be a relatively simple thing to achieve.
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I'm having some trouble setting this up. I have a forum installed at www.example.com. I can move it to forum.example.com. I want to use the xencarta wiki but it runs through the forum. I want to use it in its current form, www.example.com/wiki/. I have to set up the subdomain as www.example.com because otherwise, the forum member total is 0 at forum.example.com which looks bad. I also have some static html pages at www.example.com/pages that I don't want redirected.

What would be the procedure for this?
I don't think this add-on is what you need. Please post in the general support forums for advice.
It is and I got it working. However, I want to set the slave subdomain Index Page Route to something different than the master subdomain. If I make this change in the master subdomain, it affects both sites. If I make this change in the slave subdomain it doesn't do anything. Any idea how to make it work?
Oh, I see. Probably this option is not supported at the moment then. Drop me a PM and we can discuss adding this in future if you are interested in contributing towards this.
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