[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I've 'disallowed' social forums from showing in Top Poster of the Month but it is still counting them, is there any way to resolve this as its been blocked via that plugin.

Also, where can I alter the RSS text so the icon matches the rest of my style?

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I've set this up exactly as per the instructions, or tried to.

AS AN ADMIN - I can create groups, that's it, absolutely nothing else. I couldn't even remotely get it to work. To be honest the whole layout of it was a bit strange anyway.

Uninstalled I'm afraid.

What I'm ultimately looking for is a way for a user to join private forums. Either by a direct request to the moderator, or by requesting to join a usergroup that would subsequently give that permission.

I've seen your join-user-group mod, but it's not going to work, I need the JOIN information actually at the closed thread, not hidden away in the user profile.

Any ideas Jon?
Yes, I am. I want people to see your social groups as a tab. Thanks, I will check that. I like the numbers, but my users don't.
Yes, I am. I want people to see your social groups as a tab. Thanks, I will check that. I like the numbers, but my users don't.
Looks like there should be an option called "Unread Count":
Jon, that's it- thanks so much.

You click on the "end tab number" in the node tree and clear the check under unread count and it disappears.
Hi there,

I just updated the addon to the latest and have this error if you could shed some light please.

Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Waindigo_Listener_TemplateHook' not found -library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/Listener/TemplateHook.php:4
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(40) "http://www.domain.com/forums/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I've just updated from 1.1.6 to the latest version. When trying to save changes to my Personal Details, with this add-on installed, the following error is popping up:
Please correct the following errors:
  • The field 'primary_social_forum_id' was not recognised.
  • The field 'secondary_social_forum_ids' was not recognised.
I believe a similar issue was reported earlier and I tried the solution here of rebuilding the Social Forum caches, to no avail. I've also tried disabling Allow primary social forum selection and Allow secondary social forum selection. Disabling the add-on makes the error go away.
I've just updated from 1.1.6 to the latest version. When trying to save changes to my Personal Details, with this add-on installed, the following error is popping up:

I believe a similar issue was reported earlier and I tried the solution here of rebuilding the Social Forum caches, to no avail. I've also tried disabling Allow primary social forum selection and Allow secondary social forum selection. Disabling the add-on makes the error go away.

Did you ever get this resolved?
Hi there,

I just updated the addon to the latest and have this error if you could shed some light please.

I'd like to update my xenforo to the latest release, but these recent reports about apparent issues with this add-on and xenforo 1.4.6 have made me pause.
The issue was a server log issue for me only which seems to have gone now on the latest version as I only get Tapatalk errors now, not sure how to trigger it again otherwise, it does work fine though as my forum is using it.
The issue was a server log issue for me only which seems to have gone now on the latest version as I only get Tapatalk errors now, not sure how to trigger it again otherwise, it does work fine though as my forum is using it.

Thanks for responding. So this plugin does not cause issues with the latest xenforo?
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