[TH] Newest Post First [Deleted]

Oh okay that's cool. I'm not really looking forward to 1.2 anyway, due the amount of work I'll have to do...

but yeah man rest your brain that stuff looks confusing. Reminds me of when I was troubleshooting sonnb's live threads addon.
Would it be possible to make an option in the thread tools where admins/mods could turn off & on this mod in specific threads?

I could see this working so nicely with the Live Thread addon, but I only make certain threads Live like when a sporting event is going on. I don't need this all the time.

Willing to pay if you give me a price.
A day later after installing this addon, it broke all threads viewable by guests. When a guest views a thread they get:

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

I tested it out. I disabled the addon and the threads were viewable again. Uninstalling for now.
A day later after installing this addon, it broke all threads viewable by guests. When a guest views a thread they get:

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.
^^^^Any updates on this?
Sorry, this one slipped my radar. Not able to replicate it though. Do you have any other add-ons installed that affect viewing of threads for guest users? Something like this for example:
(except not this, because this wasn't released when you had the error).

Also if you can see any errors in your Server Error Log, that would be a lot more useful.
Seems to be working on Xenforo 1.2 Release Candidate.
Guests are unable to view threads when this addon is enabled after I upgraded to Xenforo 1.2 RC2
Plugin eror :( update please

ErrorException: Undefined index: thread_display_mode - library/Waindigo/NewestPostFirst/Extend/XenForo/Model/Thread.php:25
Stack Trace
#0 /home/public_html/forum/library/Waindigo/NewestPostFirst/Extend/XenForo/Model/Thread.php(25): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/p...', 25, Array) #1 /home/public_html/forum/library/Waindigo/NewestPostFirst/Extend/XenForo/ViewPublic/Thread/View.php(21): Waindigo_NewestPostFirst_Extend_XenForo_Model_Thread->getThreadDisplayOrderForThread(Array) #2 /home/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php(227): Waindigo_NewestPostFirst_Extend_XenForo_ViewPublic_Thread_View->renderHtml() #3 /home/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php(67): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->renderViewObject('XenForo_ViewPub...', 'Html', Array, 'thread_view') #4 /home/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(572): XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic->renderView('XenForo_ViewPub...', Array, 'thread_view', NULL) #5 /home/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(158): XenForo_FrontController->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic), Array) #6 /home/public_html/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #7 {main}

Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(101) "http://www.sitename.com/forum/threads/newspaper.12259/"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
Just installed this on my test site and found an issue with it...I have kept the XF default display order as the default but allowed users to select which way they wanted the threads displayed.

Here are the settings:

So I go into my preferences and select "Oldest Post First" and the display order in the thread changes to the oldest post first which is correct however the Quick Reply Box is not displayed under the oldest post at the top as selected in the addon settings
Am I the only who has problem with the quick reply box not emptying it's contents after posting a reply:

Works fine when using the default view order from oldest to newest. Other than that it's working all fine on v1.2.3.
Or is it just not compatible with version 1.2.3 yet?
I think it might be better to change the option "Move quick reply box to top" to: "Move quick reply box to top if user chooses "Newest Post First" display mode".
It seems logical to me that the wish/need to reply is strongest when reading the latest post, so the quick reply box should always be next to the newest post.

If I move the box to top as default, users preferring the "oldest post first" method will have to scroll to the top of the page to quick-reply. So it makes sense to me to bind the move box-option to the selection of the newest post first option.
I am having the same issue as TMC. Has this been resolved and I just missed the post?
confirmed: I reversed order and the quick-reply box at the bottom keeps the content and the focus after posting. To the user it looks like the post hasn`t been sent at all and so they keep re-posting.
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