[TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

Further to the above, not a cache delay - just tried to use an image/text link and even hello world in the HTML....nothing displays and no server errors.

I will dig through these discussions but any hints would be welcomed. I do need to get this working right away or I will just manually insert stuff in XF templates instead.

Edit - getting somewhere by turning the "render with javascript" off - perhaps someone can explain that setting and why it is checked by default?
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Edit - getting somewhere by turning the "render with javascript" off - perhaps someone can explain that setting and why it is checked by default?

This allows support for like in page rotation. We should have forced this off if you use adsense, etc. Thats why I think its a bit unclear. You only really want this on if you are doing your own advertisement rotation with custom images or html, not adsense or another ad engine.

@Mike Creuzer , how many JS scripts use an addon?

Not sure I understand the question my apologies.
I'm having some trouble with this add-on.

I'm trying to set up rotating custom html blocks. I have two with the weight set to 10. However, when I have both active they both show up at the same time.

Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 10.46.01 PM.webp

Whereas it should be:

Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 10.46.39 PM.webp

In the html I am referencing the "section" and "secondaryContent" divs.

Any ideas why this is the case?

Edit: the funbox url also directs to the wrong product despite the links being correctly identified with each block.
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Is it possible to set display order of ads in the same zone? I couldn't find such an option. I think it must be there somewhere since its very important to be able to set display order.
I'm interested in using the affiliate tagger, but unclear to the proper settings. Using Amazon as an example, could someone share screenshots of how this gets implemented?
A quick question about mobile ads/custom min/max dimensions for advertisements.

I have a sidebar block advertisement. Right now it shows on a horizontal iPhone but not on a vertically held iPhone. I'd like it to display on both.

I've tried checking "custom" under devices and used minimum measurements like 250px, 150px, and even 1px, but it still does not display when held vertically. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I am having issues with the Plugin and can not really find instructions anywhere... I put a ticket in a few minutes ago but figured someone may have an answer here.

First I can't figure how to setup DFP..

For the DFP Unit Code do I put in this??? div-gpt-ad-14907326800000-0 or do I put in this??? /1008000/AmznBnr or do I put in just 14907326800000-0

The code DFP gives me is
<script async='async' src='https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js'></script>
  var googletag = googletag || {};
  googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || [];

  googletag.cmd.push(function() {
    googletag.defineSlot('/1008000/AmznBnr', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-14907326800000-0').addService(googletag.pubads());

Thats issue 1.

Issue 2 is I have ads from Amazon,

When I put in my ad code from Amazon, the ad shows but not in the ad box... instead it displays at the bottom of the page.

Issue 3 is the Advertisement rotation speed does not do anything. I would like to set it so my ads rotate after 45 second. I set it and it does nothing

Any ideas?
Anyone here using HTTPS with Google Adsense? I am about to take this up with Google but before I put in a complaint am trying to find a fix... I already shut off other advertising providers in Adsense... It breaks my HTTPS whenever this happens.

Screen Shot 04-08-17 at 06.58 PM (2).webp
Anyone here using HTTPS with Google Adsense? I am about to take this up with Google but before I put in a complaint am trying to find a fix... I already shut off other advertising providers in Adsense... It breaks my HTTPS whenever this happens.

View attachment 150960

I'm not using this addon, just checking it out, but am using http2/https on my site with Google Adsense. However, my current ad server is on a separate domain and was able to migrate it first and let it run for a while before migrating my XF site.

Your site loaded for me without errors, but was slow.
I'm not using this addon, just checking it out, but am using http2/https on my site with Google Adsense. However, my current ad server is on a separate domain and was able to migrate it first and let it run for a while before migrating my XF site.

Your site loaded for me without errors, but was slow.

My site's on same server as my game servers so yeah it will load slow at times. It was a lot faster on GoDaddy by itself but moved it to the game server to save money...

The Adsense I found was my Chrome browser not allowing Adsense scripts to load from certain Adsense hosts am not sure why my Chrome browser would block ads even when I set it to allow my websites traffic!
Are there some directions or an example guide on how to set up the affiliate links for amazon?

How does this affiliate link feature interact with skimlinks?

I need to prevent specific ads or all ads in an ad group from showing in specific forums/nodes. Any idea how to do this within Monetize Pro?
I'm also unable to update settings for individual advertisements if they're under the Google DFP drop-down. They won't save if I add a variable, edit weight, activate/deactivate from ad edit view.

This is a real problem for me.
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