[TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

Is there any way to fix this when viewing the donation page?

Change it to something like "Viewing donations" or something like that?
Is there any way to fix this when viewing the donation page?

Change it to something like "Viewing donations" or something like that?

I've added this to our list to fix in the next release. As a temporary fix though, you can add this to the bottom of library/Audentio/DonationManager/ControllerPublic/Donation.php

public static function getSessionActivityDetailsForList(array $activities)
        return 'Viewing Donations';

After you add that the last few lines of that file should look like this:

    * @return Audentio_DonationManager_Model_Donation
    protected function _getDonationModel()
        return $this->getModelFromCache('Audentio_DonationManager_Model_Donation');

    * @return Audentio_DonationManager_Model_Milestone
    protected function _getMilestoneModel()
        return $this->getModelFromCache('Audentio_DonationManager_Model_Milestone');
Not currently. Not without editing the template modification. Curious, but why do you want to get rid of the widget framework.

The donation block is the only custom block we have left, we've been working on addons we don't really use. The widget framework adds a lot of load according to the debug page. When ever its removed, it lowers homepage load about half.

Have tested that on clean installs and on RpN.
I'm confused, what are the settings to setup a Monthly Goal that resets and continues each month?
some questions: is this based on the previous donations manager plugin (i forget the author?) and if so, do i pay an upgrade price or the full price (i'm still using this old plugin)? second, if someone donates, they can be moved to a vip usergroup via criteria, but is there a way to move them out? for example, i currently manually move users that donate to a vip usergroup that expires after one year.

is this based on the previous donations manager plugin (i forget the author?) and if so, do i pay an upgrade price or the full price (i'm still using this old plugin)?
No, it is not based on the previous donation manager, nor is made by the same people. However, it has a importer from the previous donation manager.
No, it is not based on the previous donation manager, nor is made by the same people. However, it has a importer from the previous donation manager.

ah, that's cool. any word on the second question?

second, if someone donates, they can be moved to a vip usergroup via criteria, but is there a way to move them out? for example, i currently manually move users that donate to a vip usergroup that expires after one year.
You do not need either unless you want it to start in the future, or completely end at a certain date.


So if I set it to monthly, it should reset on the first of the month? If so, it's not working for me because it claims the goal has X days remaining, which point to November 27 vs the first of December.
Would it be possible to add a usergroup promotion on donation? This way additional features / privileges could be awarded to donators.
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