XF 2.2 Text editor and attachment manager improvements

Central to the experience of interacting with forum software is the interface through which visitors will create their content. This is usually done through the text editor and attachment manager, so keeping these systems fresh and inspiring is very important to us.

From the outset, XenForo has employed a rich text editor (RTE) to allow visitors to compose their messages in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) interface, so that bold text is shown emboldened, large text is appropriately large etc., rather than working directly with the underlying BB code in order to take the guesswork out of message editing. We've always built a custom implementation on top of what we consider to be the best-in-class tools, and through the life of the XenForo we have already made major switches to completely new libraries twice, moving from TinyMCE to Redactor and then to Froala.

With XenForo 2.2, we have made another major change to our implementation. We continue to build upon Froala, but we have improved every aspect of our system.

We'd love you to read what we've put down here, but if you're pushed for time...


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is it possible to add photos or attachments to the post with drag and drop from the attachments list?
It's not possible at the moment and there's a fairly significant issue - the entire row is scrollable and so dragging on mobile on mobile would not have the desired effect. So it wouldn't be enabled on mobile but arguably I think that might be where it's most useful. Though I'd say that the ability to scroll is even more useful than that.

We can't track suggestions in this thread though so please create a new suggestion thread.
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Thanks. It certainly is different from what @DigNap15 and I are talking about. We are basically looking for a single click item that clears the editor and deletes the draft if autosaved.
Sure. Just don't see it as being a significant issue either way so it can be suggested (like it has been apparently dozens of times... 🤔) but it's not a current priority.
It would be great if there was a nice big "Cancel Button"
Why on earth would anyone need a cancel button for making a new post?
Just don't click/tap Post reply => Cancelled

Please add a way to change default image insert method from uploading to linking in this menu.
Please do not change the default.
We do have linking enabled as users vocally demand that, but we discourage it as it causes legal and technical issues.
Why on earth would anyone need a cancel button for making a new post?
Just don't click/tap Post reply => Cancelled
Agreed, I must confess I'm a little confused as to why a cancel button is necessary - if you don't want to post your message, don't post it..? There doesn't seem any need to clutter the interface with a button that does the same as not doing anything at all?

Please do not change the default.
We do have linking enabled as users vocally demand that, but we discourage it as it causes legal and technical issues.
Given the transient nature of content on the web, I'd always recommend that people attach their images rather than hot-link them unless there is a really specific reason to do otherwise, so we won't be changing the default.
When embedding a full sized attached image into the post body, does it disappear from the attachment list below the post like it does now?
Agreed, I must confess I'm a little confused as to why a cancel button is necessary - if you don't want to post your message, don't post it..? There doesn't seem any need to clutter the interface with a button that does the same as not doing anything at all?
This has to do with the mass of users that is not accustomed to forums but to apps. For example we very regularly get a post asking how to post. This drove us insane until we found out what the users were actually asking: The point is that people do not understand how to navigate and use a forum. They expect a cancel button.

I don't think its a big issue for most forums. But it depends on the demographic of the member base.
As nice as the editor is, no one will ever get to see it as traffic keeps dwindling away from this forum platform post may 5th algo. Lost half my traffic since and continue to score poorly despite expensive hardware, every optimization trick i can find, and a basic theme that is actually lighter than default.

PWA is nice. but we need serious speed, CLS, FCP, improvements. Reduce initial bloat. Bring in bloat on-demand if so needed.
I understand it's simply to cache it all once, but that 1st page view is all we get 85-90% of the time. There's NO point in caching until page 2 if you ask me. Of course, no one is asking :D

I'm going out of business. That's a serious statement. No longer does my income pay my server bills post may 5th. I am paying out of pocket with hopes of recovery soon, but i fear it may be the end of a 20year old forum in 2020 if google visitors don't return soon.
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he has a point tbh. i love the control+k keyboard shortcut for adding link to selected text. i personally would love to have a keyboard shortcut for quotes though i guess markdown is one good alternative. the new floating toolbar would also provide an option in 2.2.
If there’s a suggestion about that it will be best to discuss it there.

We’ve pretty much shown you everything we had to show you today in this HYS so it’s usually safe to assume that if we haven’t said something then it either isn’t happening or is something we’ll talk about another day.
First of all I love it that the devs are engaging with the community recently. I hope this vibe lasts for a long time.

Secondly, although I have to test the new editor changes, in principle I love them. This is one of the things I was criticizing a lot as I think that XF doesn't polish its stuff. But these changes are now the opposite. These kind of changes are quality of life enhancements people will underrate but learn soon how important they are. There are 3-4 really nice quality of life things here which will make a big difference even though they look small.
Also, less scrolling is very very very important for mobile users. Nobody wants to scroll for ages. I believe the new changes help in that regard (but have to test to be sure) so we have a good thoughtful process here which I call "polishing". Thank you.
For example we very regularly get a post asking how to post.
How do they post asking how to post if they don't know how to post?


I have to say, I've never seen a post from a forum member asking how to post in 20 years of using hundreds (well, not hundreds -- I'm not that sad -- but a lot) of forums.

I have occasionally seen posts asking how to do very specific things but I can likely count those instances on the fingers of one 20 fingered glove.
How do they post asking how to post if they don't know how to post?

Usually through Contact us, we get that several times every week ...
Having a contact us link somewhere in the footer seems common sense, people expect to find it there and understand how to use it.
However, they don't necessarily manage to find the button(s) to start a new thread.

Though I've also had users starting new threads asking how to post a reply ...

Quite often users also confuse profile posts with private messages and compliant afterwards why their messages were public.

TL;DR Users increasingly don't grasp the concept "Forum"
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