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Template Syntax 1.6.1b

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I don't know what Xenmerge is... but this still isn't compatible with my Add-on Installer :( (Nor is it mandatory! But would be cool if it was compatible).

The files are located in the upload folder as you detailed, I don't see what else I should be doing? Does the xml file literally need the name Add-On.xml ?
The upload folder should be in the root of the zip file (at the moment the root of the zip file contains a folder called Naatan-XenForo-TemplateSyntax-2a50088)
Turns out it was the Resource Manager bugging out. If you don't change the version number it will just ignore your file upload.
About the style property tab bug; I have not been able to reproduce this issue at all. Potentially this bug is caused when my addon is used in conjunction with another addon. If anyone can provide additional details that would be very helpful.

Naatan submitted a new resource:

Template Syntax (version 1.0) - Replace the textarea's when editing templates with CodeMirror instances

Read more about this resource...

I am struckt at uploading the files : the file /js/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js stucks at 66% uploading. FileZilla doesn't let me upload more than these 66%, I have never had that problem before, I tried to edit an empty coremirror.js file and paste the content of it, but same problem, stuck at uploading.

I rebooted my FileZilla, my computer, etc but same problem.

I am struckt at uploading the files : the file /js/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js stucks at 66% uploading. FileZilla doesn't let me upload more than these 66%, I have never had that problem before, I tried to edit an empty coremirror.js file and paste the content of it, but same problem, stuck at uploading.

I rebooted my FileZilla, my computer, etc but same problem.


I can't really help you with this as it seems to be a problem with your server / ftp client and not with my addon. Try contacting your host.
This kind of cool, but it made things hard to copy and paste in the editor. TMS also seems to became more "picky" about every little space (that is to say copy and paste would yield not be exact).

Still a cool concept though.
This kind of cool, but it made things hard to copy and paste in the editor. TMS also seems to became more "picky" about every little space (that is to say copy and paste would yield not be exact).

Still a cool concept though.

And the search function is a little harder than the one included in web brownser. But the addon is usefull.
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