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Template Modification System (TMS) 1.3.1

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Don't know if this is a bug but its something I came across today.

1.Installed XF 1.2 on test site
2.Installed this add-on (latest version)
3.Created a new style and applied some edits to the new style via the templates edit system
4.Export style
5.Try importing style into live 1.2 site.
6.Import fails with error "Template titles must be unique. The specified title is already in use"
7.The only way to get the style to import is to disable this Add-on but of course the edits are then missing.

Maybe i am doing something wrong, anyone else had this issue
I will check the import.
I'm a bit confused. ... Hopefully someone can advice me.
I'm using a costum theme and made huge template changes, installed many addons and so on...

Without this TMS addon, all my changed files won't be updatet? How does one do it then?
If I install your TMS addon now, can I implement all the changes I made retroavtively?
Isn't this addon considered to be core in XF 1.2? I mean there is a TMS system, isn't it?

Thanks, best regards!
Right, similar is in core and addon extends it to work with styles.
You may try to move your manual changes by hands.
No other way.
OKay, I installed this on my test board and still figuring out where to access this. It was way easier and intuitive to use until it got upgraded to work with 1.2 :censored:
OKay, I installed this on my test board and still figuring out where to access this. It was way easier and intuitive to use until it got upgraded to work with 1.2 :censored:
Now it's only extension over the core. You may find it in styles->template modifications in admin.
Thanks for the update however I have come across another style import problem (not the same as before).

Here is what I did
1. Live XF 1.2 with modified style which is a child of the default- lets call it "Style-Test1"
2. I now want to import another modified style called "Style-TestCopy"
3. The import process goes through fine and if I look at the template edits for "Style-TestCopy" they are all listed as expected
4. However now "Style-Test1" has lost all it template edits

Hope that's clear
Thanks for the update however I have come across another style import problem (not the same as before).

Here is what I did
1. Live XF 1.2 with modified style which is a child of the default- lets call it "Style-Test1"
2. I now want to import another modified style called "Style-TestCopy"
3. The import process goes through fine and if I look at the template edits for "Style-TestCopy" they are all listed as expected
4. However now "Style-Test1" has lost all it template edits

Hope that's clear
Hm. Sounds very strange.
So Style-Test1 and Style-TestCopy are siblings?
If you have a test instance I would check it since I usually work with only style per site.
Hm. Sounds very strange.
So Style-Test1 and Style-TestCopy are siblings?
If you have a test instance I would check it since I usually work with only style per site.
Yes they are both a child of the default XF style.

Just a thought, Style-TestCopy is an export of Style-Test1 but I just renamed the file name, maybe that's part of the problem as I guess its a duplicate?
I just upgraded to 1.2.1 and TMS 1.3.0, and now the only TMS change I've added has stopped functioning and I'm missing the buttons in the ACP to add new modifications. I've got the Template Modifications screen, which defaults to "Master Style" which has no modifications made, and then my default style, which has a single modification to the PAGE_CONTAINER template. This has stopped working completely, and I can't seem to do anything at all with TMS itself. I feel like it's some minute detail that I'm overlooking, but I can't figure out what that is. Any help in tracking this down would be greatly appreciated!

I just upgraded to 1.2.1 and TMS 1.3.0, and now the only TMS change I've added has stopped functioning and I'm missing the buttons in the ACP to add new modifications. I've got the Template Modifications screen, which defaults to "Master Style" which has no modifications made, and then my default style, which has a single modification to the PAGE_CONTAINER template. This has stopped working completely, and I can't seem to do anything at all with TMS itself. I feel like it's some minute detail that I'm overlooking, but I can't figure out what that is. Any help in tracking this down would be greatly appreciated!


I had the same problem, you need to enable debug mode. I installed the below mod to enable it on my site :)
I had the same problem, you need to enable debug mode. I installed the below mod to enable it on my site :)

I also have the same issue. I have just installed the debug mode addon as you mentioned. Do I/we need to re-install the TMS addon before doing anything else?

EDIT: I have just re-installed TMS but it remains the same. What is the debug mode thingy supposed to show me? Sorry for being thick....
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I also have the same issue. I have just installed the debug mode addon as you mentioned. Do I/we need to re-install the TMS addon before doing anything else?

EDIT: I have just re-installed TMS but it remains the same. What is the debug mode thingy supposed to show me? Sorry for being thick....

I didn't have to reinstall TMS, you can find the Debug mode switch on ACP, click on the home tab and look on the right hand side and it should be there:-


EDIT :- I have also just seen this:-
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Can I install the newest version on 1.1.x and then upgrade to 1.2.1 XF?

Or, do I just turn it off, upgrade and then upgrade or re-install this. I want to retain any changes which are already in there.
Craigiri - interested in what you find here. I'm in the same situation. I have TMS 1.2 and upgrading to XF 1.2.1 then upgrading TMS to 1.3 isn't working for me - my modifications keep disappearing. I have them as part of an add-on for export/import but that isn't working either. Very strange. I'm trying other combinations, but upgrading TMS to 1.3 before I upgrade XF to 1.2.1 fails for me - throws errors when I do that...
I have the same problem as you Ryan. Even with debug mode enabled, TMS 1.3 does not appear in XF 1.2.1. I have manually backed up the modifications I had, though I need to update other forums that are larger, so I am keen to get this working.
Well, the template modification section that was there via TMS prior to XF 1.2.1 has been replaced with an OOTB template modification section in XF 1.2.1 (as best I understand). So upgrading to XF 1.2.1 should get you the template modification section regardless. It's the template modifications that I'd already made that aren't appearing. I've manually reapplied what I had and that worked but I'd like to do an upgrade cleanly if possible.

Unless that's what you're saying. Perhaps that's what you meant when you said "TMS 1.3 does not appear in XF 1.2.1"?
Yes that is the situation I am in. All of my previous template modifications have gone. In its place is the "No template modifications have been defined yet" message.

Though I must admit I do not have a complete understanding of what TMS 1.3 does now if its functionality has been replaced by the XenForo template modification system. My hope was that I could transfer my template mods over.
Agreed. I'm a little unclear as well - I was hoping that it would provide just slight increased functionality in whatever areas might be important, but rely on the OOTB system now. I was also hoping that one of those areas of functionality would be migrating from the older version of TMS so I didn't have to re-implement my template modifications. I'm going to check to see if my old mods not being applied to a specific style has something to do with it - as the new template mod system that's built-in evidently does template mods per-style.
I've tried the following at this point and none of these get me to a point where my old template modifications are being pulled through to the final XF 1.2.1 system:
  • Upgrade TMS from 1.2 (running on XF 1.1.3) to 1.3 first, then upgrade XF to 1.2.1. TMS won't upgrade on a system older than 1.2.
  • Disable TMS, upgrade XF from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1, then upgrade TMS from 1.2 to 1.3. Re-enable TMS. Mods don't show up at all.
  • Same as previous, but uninstall and reinstall the add-on I built to contain the modifications at the end after re-enabling TMS. Still nothing shows up.
  • Create "Default Style" template modes instead of "Master Style" template mods, then run through the same stack as #2. Nothing shows up.
Note that all my modificatinos on the XF 1.1.3/TMS 1.2 system are done at the Master Style level. Not sure that matters, but I mention that because apparently the XF 1.2.1 implementation doesn't allow you to make template mods at the Master Style level?

At this point, I'm thinking I'll need to re-implement my modifications by hand. Not sure what I'm missing.
Hi, All. You only need to
Upgrade XF from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1, then upgrade TMS from 1.2 to 1.3.
This should work, please try.
No need to disable.
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