TechPowerUp Forums now on XenForo


Well-known member
We are a computer hardware site geared toward overclockers, gamers and enthusiasts.

After 9 years on vBulletin (up to 3.8.x), we decided it was time to upgrade our forums.

With vBulletin 5 being an epic failure and XenForo 1.2 available the choice was easy enough.

Took a bit of extra work because our main site's content is pulled from the forum database, so we had to adjust our external scripts, which worked surprisingly well.

TechPowerUp Forums

Currently ~60k users and ~3M posts. 30 addons installed on the new XenForo install.

Some minor changes to the style coming, too, people complain it's too bright.

There are still a few addons that I need to write, but things are looking smooth now.
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