TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

I have that person on ignore and I don't plan to view his mods.
This is a paid addon, I'd hope I wouldn't need to use a 3rd party mod if we simply want to allow the user to disable it. ;)
Addon is free, I am not sure if you can see that or not since you have him blocked. Also, this is just a template trick. If you are familiar of how xf works this is what you need to do..

Create a custom field. Make it yes or no radio button or drop. Remember field id.

Then create an if statement and wrap it around taiga chat code. Statement will look something like this:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.customFields.customFieldID}">
<!-- chatbox code -- >

replace customFieldID to you know what..

I hope this helps
Create a custom field. Make it yes or no radio button or drop. Remember field id.

Then create an if statement and wrap it around taiga chat code. Statement will look something like this:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.customFields.customFieldID}">
<!-- chatbox code -- >

replace customFieldID to you know what..

I hope this helps

thanks, this should work :)
Any possibility of multiple "rooms" or more than one tab? For larger forums, the main page can get extremely cluttered with notifications & multiple replies.

2 features of the most famous vbulletin shoutbox:

Custom Chat Rooms: Your users can now set up their own Chat-Tabs, where they get to set who can come and chat. Perfect for clubs, guilds etc. Admins can also create permanent Chat rooms for specific usergroups etc. – perfect for a staff only chat room for instance, or to reward loyal members!

Custom Shoutbox Instances: Ever wanted a separate shoutbox just for your admin forum? Got a part of your board only for VIP members? Now you can set a shoutbox specific to those areas.
I am going to need some help in changing the colours on my one as it does not work with my main skin
Main Skin View


Default Skin View

I really need some help in changing the default colours of my setup.
1. The background colour
2. The default text colour

my members are complaining that it is not working for them the way it now is :(
Can you add an option to allow users to disable the shoutbox if they want?
I tried the if condition mentioned above but couldn't get it working.


Even if this isn't added, you should add the thing I suggested. It's easy to add, and it is just making use of the custom fields system, and a small template modification. There isn't any issue with it.
Even if this isn't added, you should add the thing I suggested. It's easy to add, and it is just making use of the custom fields system, and a small template modification. There isn't any issue with it.
I tried it with a custom field and I could see the check box but the shoutbox wouldn't vanish even with his code. So idk.. I'll try it again later I guess

I've posted here before about our cron job not running anymore and I see someone else has made mention of this too. One issue we did have (I ran it manually and looked for errors) was that it was hitting our limit for media links in a post. Reluctantly, I have quietly increased the number of media inclusions so the archive will run. Now it runs manually with no errors generated, but no matter what time/day/date settings I use, the thing never, ever runs on its own. Is there anything else I can try for debugging purposes? This has been true since we updated to Pro from the free version.
It seems the time stamp is off. What I can see it is recording the server time and not the members time as in their profile
It seems the time stamp is off. What I can see it is recording the server time and not the members time as in their profile

As I recall, with the speed mode on, the server time is the only timestamp that will show in the shoutbox. If you want it to pull from the member's profile time, the speed mode has to be off.
As I recall, with the speed mode on, the server time is the only timestamp that will show in the shoutbox. If you want it to pull from the member's profile time, the speed mode has to be off.

Ah thanks that sorted it out for me
I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, however the only thing still missing in my opinions is: double click to edit/delete a post. As I'm not a big fan of the small dropdowns, as I want normal members to be possible to edit their shouts. However, if the dropdown only is working for their own posts, it will look really weird (+ I'm not a fan of it in general).

Also there should be a option if it should fade in like you do now, or just simply submit the message and show it.

However - great plugin. (If someone has their own fixes for the above, it would be greatly appriciated if they are willing to share it)
It's possible to give permissions moderators to unban members without the admin panel?

Currently no but as I said in PM you can try Join User Group addon in conjunction with the 'Ban group ID' taigachat option.

Will it be possible to add support for this mod Smiley manager

Not easily, no, as the system used to display the smilie selection list in Minorin and TaigaChat is entirely separate to the one built into xenforo.

I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, however the only thing still missing in my opinions is: double click to edit/delete a post. As I'm not a big fan of the small dropdowns, as I want normal members to be possible to edit their shouts. However, if the dropdown only is working for their own posts, it will look really weird (+ I'm not a fan of it in general).

Also there should be a option if it should fade in like you do now, or just simply submit the message and show it.

However - great plugin. (If someone has their own fixes for the above, it would be greatly appriciated if they are willing to share it)

I will add this to my list of things for the next version, as it's not a particularly difficult change.


I've posted here before about our cron job not running anymore and I see someone else has made mention of this too. One issue we did have (I ran it manually and looked for errors) was that it was hitting our limit for media links in a post. Reluctantly, I have quietly increased the number of media inclusions so the archive will run. Now it runs manually with no errors generated, but no matter what time/day/date settings I use, the thing never, ever runs on its own. Is there anything else I can try for debugging purposes? This has been true since we updated to Pro from the free version.

I've PM'd you a patch to try for this issue
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